MESCIUS.ActiveReports.SpreadBuilder Assembly / GrapeCity.SpreadBuilder.Imaging Namespace / ImageLineStyle Enumeration

ImageLineStyle Enumeration
Used in conjunction with ImageInfo.LineStyle to specify the style of the border line of an image.
Public Enum ImageLineStyle 
   Inherits System.Enum
DarkGrayA solid line in dark gray.
DashA line consisting of dashes.
DashDotA line consisting of a pattern of dash followed by a dot.
DashDotDotA line consisting of a pattern of dash followed by two dots.
DotA line consisting of dots.
LightGrayA solid line in light gray.
MediumGrayA solid line in medium gray.
NullNo line. Used to specify that no border should be drawn.
SolidA solid line without breaks.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also