MESCIUS.ActiveReports.SpreadBuilder Assembly / GrapeCity.SpreadBuilder Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
GrapeCity.SpreadBuilder Namespace
ClassThrown when the columns' count is out of range in a specific excel format.
ClassIndicates that an error occured in the compression library most likely related to images.
ClassRepresents a column in a spreadsheet.
ClassRepresents a single row in a sheet.
ClassEncapsulates the information necessary to provide spreadsheet document security and encryption.
ClassRepresents a WorkSheet.
ClassA collection of DDSheet objects.
ClassThe tool class for encrypting OpenXml format and exporting it. Can find the spec in [MS-OFFCRYPTO].
ClassThis class is a tool for convert AR TextBox's OutputFormat and Value to Excel NumberFormat and Value. AR TextBox's OutputFormat is based on .NET Framework Formatting. See In addition, AR OutputFormat also supports the forth section and _(undersorce). For Excel NumberFormat, see
ClassThrown when change a sheet's name to an invalid value. The name cannot be empty, cannot exceed 31 characters and cannot contain any of following characters: : \ / ? * [ or ]
ClassThrown when the password is invalid in a specific excel format.(For example: the length of password is out of range.)
ClassThrown when an operation is requested that requires at least one sheet in the Sheets collection (for example Saving the workbook).
ClassCollection of Horiz or vertical pagebreaks.
ClassThrown when the rows' count is out of range in a specific excel format.
ClassA general exception thrown for application errors in the GrapeCity.SpreadBuilder assembly.
ClassIndicates that a feature or features were not implemented for a particular version of the Exce./BIFF file format.
ClassRepresents a spreadsheet workbook that contains spreadsheets. This object will represent information that is relevant to all spreadsheets in the workbook (e.g. Author, BIFF/file version, etc...).
StructureExcel97DevKit: The cbrk field contains the number of page breaks. Each element of the rgbrk structure contains three 2-byte integers: the first specifies the row (or col for vertical) of the break, the second specifies the starting column (or row for vertical), and the third specifies the ending column (or row for vertical) for the break. All row and column numbers are 1-based, and the breaks occur after the row or column. This array is sorted by row, and then by starting/ending column. No two page breaks may overlap.
EnumerationSpecifies the file format that the outputted file should support.
EnumerationSpecifies the level of Open XML document conformance on exporting with Xlsx file format.
See Also