The following tables list the members exposed by Designer.
| Name | Description |
 | DesignerUnits | Gets or sets the measurement units for the designer. |
 | DrawGrid | Gets or sets a value indicating whether a grid is drawn in the designer. |
 | EnableOleObject | Enable or disable the OleObject control in the Visual Studio Toolbox. |
 | EnablePreview | Gets or sets a value determining whether the preview tab on the Designer control is enabled or disabled. |
 | EnableScripting | Sets or returns a value indicating whether scripting is enabled for the designer. |
 | FontResolver | Gets or sets a value representing the font resolver used by the designer to resolve fonts in reports. |
 | GridMode | Gets or sets the GridMode in the designer. |
 | GridX | Determines how coarse the designer grid should be. |
 | GridY | Determines how coarse the designer grid should be. |
 | LaunchDataSourceWizard | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Data Source Dialog should be launched automatically. This property is obsolete and should not be used in new development. |
 | LayoutMode | Gets or sets the value that determines how the end user can lay out controls on the report design surface. |
 | LockControls | Specifies whether the controls are locked in place. |
 | PageReportDesignerActions | Gets or sets a value representing the allowed actions in PageReport Designer. |
 | PreviewPages | Gets or sets the number of pages of report that should be generated for preview. |
 | PromptUser | Determines whether to display a dialog when a control is deleted. |
 | PropertyGrid | Attaches a System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid to the designer to display the properties of an item selected within the designer. |
 | Report | Returns a reference to the designer's report object. |
 | ReportPartsDirectory | Gets or sets a value representing the directory path where report parts are stored for use in the report items library. |
 | ReportTabsPanelVisible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the panel containing the tabs for switching between Design, Script, and Preview modes is visible. |
 | ReportTabsVisible | Sets or returns a value indicating whether the report tabs are shown below the designer. |
 | ReportType | Gets a value indicating the type of the currently loaded report. |
 | ResourceLocator | Gets or sets the resource locator implementation that used to locate the custom resources. |
 | ScrollingMode | Gets or sets a value representing the scrolling mode for the designer view. |
 | Selection | Returns the collection of selected objects. |
 | ShowDataSourceIcon | Specifies whether the Datasource icon will be visible on the detail section bar to allow the user to modify the report's data source settings. |
 | SnapGrid | Sets or returns a value indicating whether the controls should be snapped to the grid points. |
 | Toolbox | Gets or Sets the IToolboxService for the Report Designer. |
 | ToolBoxItem | Sets the type of control in the toolbox. |
 | ToolPanel | Gets or sets the value that indicate the tools that are available in the designer tool panel. |
 | UndoManager | The UndoManager allows users to undo and redo changes. |
 | Zoom | Gets or sets the zoom value for the Designer. |
| Name | Description |
 | CreateToolStrips | Creates ActiveReports ToolStrips in a ToolStrip or ToolStripContainer control. |
 | ExecuteAction | Overloaded. Executes a specified DesignerAction command. |
 | LoadReport | Overloaded. Loads an existing report XML layout into the designer. |
 | NewReport | Overloaded. Initializes the designer with a new report layout. |
 | PointToSection | Returns the screen coordinates of a specified point in a given section. |
 | QueryActionChecked | Queries the object for the checked status of one or more commands. |
 | QueryActionEnabled | Queries the object for the enabled status of one or more commands. |
 | RunDataWizard | Opens the Data Source Dialog automatically when creating a new report. |
 | SaveReport | Overloaded. Saves a report XML layout to the filename or stream specified. |
 | ScaleSizeToDpi | Scales a System.Drawing.Size from the default DPI (dots per inch) settings to the DPI settings of the current device. |
 | SectionAt | Returns the section at the specified point. |
| Name | Description |
 | ChartDataSourceClicked | Fires after a chart data source item has been clicked. |
 | ContextMenuOpen | Fires before a context menu is opened. |
 | DataSourceIconClick | Raised when the Datasource icon is clicked in the designer. |
 | DataSourceIconClicked | Gets the value from the DialogResult when the data source icon is clicked. |
 | DesignerTabChanged | Raised when the designer tab changes. |
 | EditModeEntering | This event occurs when the end user clicks inside a TextBox, Label, CheckBox or RichTextBox control in the End User Designer and enters edit mode. |
 | EditModeExit | This event occurs when an end user leaves edit mode in a TextBox, Label, CheckBox or RichTextBox control in the End User Designer. |
 | LayoutChanged | Raised when the layout is changed. |
 | LayoutChanging | Raised when the layout is changing and passes the sender a new EventArgs class called LayoutChangingArgs. |
 | LocateCredentials | Occurs when the report is previewed and credentials are needed. |
 | LocateDataSource | Occurs when a data provider of the previewed report needs to locate the data at runtime. |
 | ReportChanged | Occurs when any modification is made to the report, such as changes to the design, data sources, or properties. |
 | ReportNameChanged | Occurs when the name of the report changes. This event can be used to respond to changes in the report's name, such as updating UI elements or performing additional logic. |
 | ScriptChanged | Raised when the script for a report in the End User Report Designer is changed. |
 | SelectionChanged | Raised when the selection changes. |
 | StatusChanged | This event is raised for each change in the status of the designer actions. |
 | ToolboxItemChanged | Raised when a toolbox control is drawn on the Report Designer. |
Designer Class
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Design Namespace
Creating a Basic End User Report Designer