MESCIUS.ActiveReports.Design.Win Assembly / GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Design Namespace / Selection Class
Members Example

Selection Class

Indicates the currently selected items in the report layout.

Object Model
Selection Class
Public Class Selection 
This class provides functionality to manage the selection of components in the designer. It allows querying the current selection, changing the selection, and listening for selection changes. The selection can include controls, sections, or other design-time components. This class is particularly useful for extending the designer's functionality or integrating with other parts of the application that need to react to changes in the designer's selection state.
// cboPropList_SelectedIndexChanged - runs when the Property List Drop Down is changed

private void cboPropList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
'cboPropList_SelectedIndexChanged - runs when the Property List Drop Down is changed
Private Sub cboPropList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboPropList.SelectedIndexChanged
    Me.ardMain.Selection.Select(CType(Me.comboHashTable(Me.cboPropList.SelectedItem.ToString()), ARComboItem).Item)
End Sub 'cboPropList_SelectedIndexChanged
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also