| Name | Description |
 | BarHeight | Gets the bar height of the barcode. |
 | CaptionAlignment | Gets the alignment of the caption. |
 | CaptionGrouping | Gets a value indicating whether caption grouping is enabled. |
 | CaptionLocation | Gets the location of the caption. |
 | CheckSum | Gets a value indicating whether the checksum is enabled. |
 | Code49Grouping | Gets a value indicating whether code 49 grouping is enabled. |
 | Code49GroupNumber | Gets the group number for code 49. |
 | DataMatrixEcc000_140SymbolSize | Gets the symbol size for Data Matrix ECC 000-140. |
 | DataMatrixEcc200EncodingMode | Gets the encoding mode for Data Matrix ECC 200. |
 | DataMatrixEcc200SymbolSize | Gets the symbol size for Data Matrix ECC 200. |
 | DataMatrixEccMode | Gets the ECC mode for Data Matrix. |
 | DataMatrixEncoding | Gets the encoding for Data Matrix. |
 | DataMatrixFileIdentifier | Gets the file identifier for Data Matrix. |
 | DataMatrixStructuredAppend | Gets a value indicating whether structured append is enabled for Data Matrix. |
 | DataMatrixStructureNumber | Gets the structure number for Data Matrix. |
 | Ean128Fnc1BarAdjust | Gets the bar adjust value for EAN-128 FNC1. |
 | Ean128Fnc1Dpi | Gets the DPI for EAN-128 FNC1. |
 | Ean128Fnc1ModuleSize | Gets the module size for EAN-128 FNC1. |
 | FontInfo | Gets the font information. |
 | FormattedGS1CompositeValue | Gets the formatted GS1 composite value. |
 | FormattedSupplementValue | Gets the formatted supplement value of the barcode. |
 | FormattedValue | Gets the formatted value of the barcode. |
 | GS1CompositeType | Gets the GS1 composite type. |
 | GS1CompositeValue | Gets the GS1 composite value. |
 | Height | Gets the height of the barcode. |
 | InvalidBarcodeText | Gets the invalid barcode text. |
 | Left | Gets the left position of the barcode. |
 | MaxiCodeMode | Gets the mode for MaxiCode. |
 | MicroPDF417CompactionMode | Gets the compaction mode for MicroPDF417. |
 | MicroPDF417FileID | Gets the file ID for MicroPDF417. |
 | MicroPDF417SegmentCount | Gets the segment count for MicroPDF417. |
 | MicroPDF417SegmentIndex | Gets the segment index for MicroPDF417. |
 | MicroPDF417Version | Gets the version for MicroPDF417. |
 | MicroQrEncoding | Gets the encoding for Micro QR code. |
 | MicroQrErrorLevel | Gets the error level for Micro QR code. |
 | MicroQrMask | Gets the mask for Micro QR code. |
 | MicroQrVersion | Gets the version for Micro QR code. |
 | NarrowBarWidth | Gets the narrow bar width of the barcode. |
 | NWRatio | Gets the narrow-to-wide ratio of the barcode. |
 | Pdf417ErrorCorrectionLevel | Gets the error correction level for PDF417. |
 | Pdf417OptionsColumns | Gets the number of columns for PDF417 options. |
 | Pdf417OptionsRows | Gets the number of rows for PDF417 options. |
 | Pdf417OptionsType | Gets the type of PDF417 options. |
 | QRCodeConnection | Gets a value indicating whether QR code connection is enabled. |
 | QRCodeConnectionNumber | Gets the QR code connection number. |
 | QRCodeEncoding | Gets the encoding for QR code. |
 | QRCodeErrorLevel | Gets the error level for QR code. |
 | QRCodeMask | Gets the mask for QR code. |
 | QRCodeModel | Gets the model for QR code. |
 | QRCodeVersion | Gets the QR code version. |
 | QuietZoneBottom | Gets the bottom quiet zone of the barcode. |
 | QuietZoneLeft | Gets the left quiet zone of the barcode. |
 | QuietZoneRight | Gets the right quiet zone of the barcode. |
 | QuietZoneTop | Gets the top quiet zone of the barcode. |
 | Rotation | Gets the rotation of the barcode. |
 | RssExpandedStackedRowCount | Gets the row count for RSS expanded stacked barcodes. |
 | StyleEvaluator | Gets the style evaluator. |
 | SupplementBarHeight | Gets the supplement bar height of the barcode. |
 | SupplementCaptionLocation | Gets the location of the supplement caption. |
 | SupplementSpacing | Gets the supplement spacing of the barcode. |
 | SupplementValue | Gets the supplement value of the barcode. |
 | Symbology | Gets the barcode symbology. |
 | Top | Gets the top position of the barcode. |
 | Value | Gets the value of the barcode. |
 | Width | Gets the width of the barcode. |