MESCIUS.ActiveReports.Core.Rendering Assembly / GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Rendering.GraphicalRenderers Namespace
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Rendering.GraphicalRenderers Namespace
ClassDefines properties for Container
ClassBase class for accessible elements
ClassDefines properties for headings
ClassDefines properties for image element
ClassDefines properties for List element
ClassDefines properties for list item
ClassDefines properties for list item label
ClassDefines properties for paragraph
ClassRepresents an information about data visualizer.
ClassRepresents extension methods to render.
ClassRepresents an extension methods for GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Drawing.IDrawingCanvas
ClassRepresents the context to be used to create a patch.
ClassRepresents an extension methods for report items.
ClassExtension methods to render. Required for situation when no layout is available.
InterfaceAPIs used for rendering accessible page elements (PDFA/UA).
InterfaceRepresents a renderer for any action.
InterfaceRepresents a renderer for delayed content.
InterfaceRepresents a store to collect patches which should be applied to the canvas when layout is ready.
InterfaceFilter report items to render.
EnumerationTypes of background repeating.
EnumerationRepresents data visualizer types.
See Also