| Interface | Description |
 | IAccessibleItem | Represents an interface for report items with an accessible description. |
 | IAction | Represents an interface for action items. |
 | IActionableItem | Represents an interface for specifying the item action. |
 | IBand | Represents the interface for the Band of a BandedList. |
 | IBandedList | Represents an interface for a banded list report item. |
 | IBody | Represents the body element for a report. This is the parent container for all report items in the report. |
 | ICheckBox | Represents a checkbox item. |
 | IContentPlaceHolder | Represents the content placeholder contract. |
 | ICustomReportItem | Represents an interface for custom report items (CRIs). |
 | IDataRegion | Represents an interface for data regions. |
 | IDataScope | Represents a data scope in a report at rendering time. |
 | IDocumentMapItem | Represents an interface to unify document map nodes. |
 | IDrillthrough | Represents an interface for a drillthrough object. |
 | IFixedPage | Represents a container of IFixedPageContent objects. |
 | IFixedPageContent | Represents the content of a single FixedPage instance. |
 | IFixedSizeItem | Represents an interface for items with fixed size. |
 | IFooterBand | Represents the interface for the footer band of the banded list. |
 | IFormattedText | Represents a formatted text rendering component. |
 | IFrozen | Represents an interface for report items that implement the frozen rows or columns feature. |
 | IHeaderBand | Represents the interface for the header band of the banded list. |
 | IImage | Represents an interface for images. |
 | IInteractiveItem | Represents interactive report item which may contain interactive areas |
 | IItemCollection<T> | Represents a collection of items that can be accessed by index and provides read-only functionality. |
 | ILine | Represents a line report item in the rendering output. |
 | IList | Represents an interface for the List report item. |
 | IListContent | Represents an interface for list content. |
 | IListGrid | Represents an extension of the IList interface by adding multi-column/row capability. |
 | IMetadataDictionary | Represents an interface for a dictionary of metadata objects. |
 | IMetadataDictionaryEntry | Represents an interface for members of the IMetadataDictionary. |
 | IMetadataEntry | Represents an interface for metadata entry objects. |
 | IOverflowItem | Represents an interface for an overflow item. |
 | IOverflowPlaceHolder | Represents an interface for an overflow placeholder. |
 | IPage | Represents the Page object of a Fixed Page report. |
 | IPageNameProvider | Gets sheet page name for Excel export. |
 | IPageRegion | Represents the page region. |
 | IPageSection | Represents an interface for page section. |
 | IRectangle | Represents an interface for a rectangle report item. |
 | IRenderComponent | Represents an interface for render component objects. |
 | IReport | Represents the interface for the Report object. |
 | IReportItem | Represents an interface for report item objects. |
 | IReportItemContainer | Represents a container of IReportItem objects. |
 | IReportItemRenderInfo | Represents a report item which has a unique key. The key can be used in dictionaries. |
 | IRoundingRadius | Represents the radius of a rounded rectangle. |
 | IScrollableRectangle | Represents an interface for a scrollable rectangle. |
 | ISectionRegion | Represents an umbrella interface to unify IDataRegion and IBandedList data regions. |
 | IShape | Represents an interface for a shape report item. |
 | ISortingController | Interface for report item that can force data sorting at rendering time. |
 | IStaticable | This interface is used to determine if all expressions within an implementing class are constant. |
 | IStaticItem | Represents a static report item with static content. |
 | IStyle | Represents an interface for the Style object. |
 | IStyleExtended | Represents an extended style interface. |
 | ISubreport | Represents an interface for the subreport report item. |
 | ITextBox | Represents the interface for the textbox report item. |
 | ITextItem | Represents a text item that can be rendered in a report. |
 | ITocItem | Represents a Table of Contents (ToC) item. |
 | ITocLevel | Represents a table of contents (ToC) level. |
 | ITocList | Represents a list of table of contents (ToC) items. |
 | IToggleController | Represents an interface for IReportItem inheritors that can toggle the visibility of other report entities. |
 | IToggleReceiver | Represents report entities whose visibility state can be toggled by a toggle report item. |
 | IUprightTextStyle | Represents the style object. |
 | IValueCollection | Represents a collection of values. |
 | IVisualAppearance | Interface for the visual appearance. |
 | IVisualShape | Represents an interface for a visual shape. |