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ListBox Customization

The ListBox has a formatItem event you can use to customize the display of the items in the list.


Example: Creates a ListBox control and customize the display of the items using the formatItem event.

 <div style="width:250px;" id="theListBox"></div>
import * as input from '@mescius/wijmo.input';

function init() {
    let theListBox = new input.ListBox('#theListBox', {
        formatItem: (sender, e) => {
            e.item.innerHTML = '<div class="wj-glyph">' +
                `<span class="wj-glyph-${e.data}"></span>` +
        // Wijmo glyphs
        itemsSource: ['asterisk', 'calendar', 'check', 'circle', 'clock', 'diamond', 'down',
            'down-left', 'down-right', 'file', 'filter', 'left', 'minus', 'pencil', 'plus', 'right',
            'square', 'step-backward', 'step-forward', 'up', 'up-left', 'up-right']