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Export FlexGrid to Printer

The printer can also be seen as an export option, especially since most modern browsers allow users to redirect the output to PDF files, cloud storage, etc.

The PrintDocument class makes it easy to create documents for printing. This sample shows how you can convert a FlexGrid into a table element suitable for printing with the PrintDocument class.

import * as wjCore from '@mescius/wijmo';
import * as wjGrid from '@mescius/wijmo.grid';

// create PrintDocument
var doc = new wjCore.PrintDocument({
    title: 'PrintDocument Test',
    copyCss: false // prevent cross-origin issues in jsfiddle 

// add CSS explicitly (since we can't use copyCss in jsfiddle)
doc.append('<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">');
doc.append('<link href="https://cdn.wijmo.com/5.latest/styles/wijmo.min.css" rel="stylesheet">');

        // add some simple text
doc.append('<h1>Printing Example</h1>');
doc.append('<p>This document was created using the <b>PrintDocument</b> class.</p>');

// add a printer-friendly version of a FlexGrid to the document
var flex = wjCore.Control.getControl('#theGrid');
doc.append('<p>Here\'s a FlexGrid rendered as a table:</p>');
var tbl = renderTable(flex);

// print the document

We need to render the grid into an HTML Table in order to print. So we have a few custom functions for converting the grid to a table.

// custom grid rendering function: 
// renders grid as a table
function renderTable(flex) {
    // start table
    var tbl = '<table>';

    // headers
    if (flex.headersVisibility & wjGrid.HeadersVisibility.Column) {
        tbl += '<thead>';
        for (var r = 0; r < flex.columnHeaders.rows.length; r++) {
            tbl += renderRow(flex.columnHeaders, r);
        tbl += '</thead>';

    // body
    tbl += '<tbody>';
    for (var r = 0; r < flex.rows.length; r++) {
        tbl += renderRow(flex.cells, r);
    tbl += '</tbody>';

    // done
    tbl += '</table>';
    return tbl;
function renderRow(panel, r) {
    var tr = '',
    row = panel.rows[r];
    if (row.renderSize > 0) {
        tr += '<tr>';
        for (var c = 0; c < panel.columns.length; c++) {
            var col = panel.columns[c];
            if (col.renderSize > 0) {

                // get cell style, content
                var style = 'width:' + col.renderSize + 'px;' +
                                        'text-align:' + col.getAlignment() + ';' +
                    'padding-right: 6px';
                                    var content = panel.getCellData(r, c, true);
                if (!row.isContentHtml && !col.isContentHtml) {
                    content = wijmo.escapeHtml(content);

                // add cell to row
                if (panel.cellType == wjGrid.CellType.ColumnHeader) {
                    tr += '<th style="' + style + '">' + content + '</th>';
                } else {

                    // show boolean values as checkboxes
                    var raw = panel.getCellData(r, c, false);
                    if (raw === true) {
                        content = '&#9745;';
                    } else if (raw === false) {
                        content = '&#9744;';

                    tr += '<td style="' + style + '">' + content + '</td>';
        tr += '</tr>';
    return tr;