AngularJS directive for the FlexPie control.
The wj-flex-pie directive may contain the following child directives: wijmo.angular.chart.WjFlexChartLegend and wijmo.angular.chart.WjFlexPieDataLabel.
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AngularJS directive for the FlexPie control.
An array or ICollectionView object that contains data for the chart.@
The name of the property that contains item values.@
The name of the property that contains item names.@
The text to display in the chart footer (plain text).=
The style to apply to the chart footer.@
The text to display in the chart header (plain text).=
The style to apply to the chart header.&
This event occurs after the binding has finished initializing the control with attribute values.=
A value indicating whether the binding has finished initializing the control with attribute values.@
The size of the hole inside the pie, measured as a fraction of the pie radius.@
A value indicating whether to use animation to move selected items to the selectedItemPosition.=
The formatter function that customizes the appearance of data points.@
The extent to which pie slices are pulled out from the center, as a fraction of the pie radius.=
An array that contains the default colors used for displaying pie slices.=
The number of pixels of space to leave between the edges of the control and the plot area, or CSS-style margins.@
A value indicating whether to draw pie slices in a counter-clockwise direction.@
The starting angle for pie slices, measured clockwise from the 9 o'clock position.@
The extent to which the selected pie slice is pulled out from the center, as a fraction of the pie radius.@
The Position value indicating where to display the selected slice.@
The SelectionMode value indicating whether or what is selected when the user clicks a series.@
The value to display in the ChartTooltip content property.&
The FlexPie.gotFocus event handler.&
The FlexPie.lostFocus event handler.&
The FlexPie.rendering event handler.&
The FlexPie.rendered event handler.The wj-flex-pie directive may contain the following child directives: wijmo.angular.chart.WjFlexChartLegend and wijmo.angular.chart.WjFlexPieDataLabel.