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Using Double Click to Fill Cells

Spread allows you to fill cells by double-clicking a cell or cell range. This functionality detects the filling range and populates cells accordingly.

Steps to Use Double Click to Fill

  1. Select the cell from where you want to start the data filling.

  2. Enter the initial value, text, or formula that you want to use as the base for the sequence.

  3. Place the mouse pointer over the small square located in the bottom right corner of the cell. This square is called the “Fill Handle”.

    Once your mouse pointer is over the fill handle, it changes to a small black plus sign (+).

  4. Double-click the fill handle to have the value/formula copied down to the end of your data, matching the rows in the adjacent columns.

Let’s understand the use of the double-click fill function with the following examples.

Example 1: Fill cells with consecutive numbers.

  1. Enter data values and select two cells B1 and B2 as shown in the image below.

  2. Move the mouse pointer over the fill handle at the bottom right corner.

  3. Double-click when the pointer changes into a black plus sign.

    It fills the adjacent cells with consecutive numerical values, such as "3, 4, 5...".

Example 2: Fill cells with the total items sold in January and February months.

  1. Enter data values and then select the cell D2, having the SUM formula.

  2. In cell D2, move the mouse pointer over the fill handle at the bottom right corner.

  3. Double-click when the pointer changes into a black plus sign.

    The formula applied to the cell D2 is automatically copied to cell range D3 to D7 and displays the total items' count.


This feature is compatible only with the default data model due to the support of data detection and performance optimization.

See Also

Customizing Interaction in Cells

Using Edit Mode and Focus

Customizing User Selection and Deselection of Data

Using Drag Operations to Fill Cells

Using Validation

Using Visible Indicators in the Cell

Customizing Undo and Redo Actions

Customizing Interaction Based on Events

Adding Custom Context Menu to a Component