Represents a GcDateTimeCellType class.
public class GcDateTimeCellType : FieldsEditorControlCellType, ICellType, IEditor, ICloneable, IPropertyAllowedSupport, INotifyEditorValueChanged, IEnhancedRenderer, IRenderer, IEnhancedPdfRenderer, IAllowArrowKeysMoveActiveCell, IErrorIconSupport, IEditorVerticaAlignSupport, ICellType, ICloneable<ICellType>, INumFmtSupportCellType, IDisposable, IReuseEditorControl2, IReuseEditorControl, IPdfSupport, IOOXmlSupport, ISerializable, ISerializeSupport, IReadOnlySupport, IStaticSupport, IFormatter2, IFormatter, IDateTimeFormatSupport
Public Class GcDateTimeCellType
Inherits FieldsEditorControlCellType
Implements ICellType, IEditor, ICloneable, IPropertyAllowedSupport, INotifyEditorValueChanged, IEnhancedRenderer, IRenderer, IEnhancedPdfRenderer, IAllowArrowKeysMoveActiveCell, IErrorIconSupport, IEditorVerticaAlignSupport, ICellType, ICloneable(Of ICellType), INumFmtSupportCellType, IDisposable, IReuseEditorControl2, IReuseEditorControl, IPdfSupport, IOOXmlSupport, ISerializable, ISerializeSupport, IReadOnlySupport, IStaticSupport, IFormatter2, IFormatter, IDateTimeFormatSupport
The GcDateTimeCell allows you to design a functional date-time input interface quickly and efficiently.
Name | Description |
GcDateTimeCellType() | Initializes a new instance of the GcDateTimeCellType class. |
GcDateTimeCellType(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Initializes a new instance of the GcDateTimeCellType class. |
Name | Description |
AcceptsCrLf | Gets or sets a value that indicates how to process the CrLf characters when copying, cutting, or pasting the string. |
AlternateText | Gets the alternate text of the GcDateTimeCellType object. |
DefaultActiveField | Gets or sets the default active field of the cell. |
DisplayFields | Gets the display fields of the GcDateTimeCellType object. |
DropDown | Gets the drop-down settings for the drop-down function. |
DropDownCalendar | Gets the settings for the drop-down calendar. |
DropDownPicker | Gets the settings for the drop-down picker. |
ExcelExportFormat | Gets or sets the excel export format. |
Fields | A GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.DateFieldCollection that represents the items in the GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.GcDateTime object. |
FieldsEditMode | Gets or sets the fields edit mode. |
FocusPosition | Gets or sets the initial cursor position when the editor gets focus. |
MaxDate | Gets or sets the maximum allowable value when changing the field or value of the control using the spin setting. |
MaxMinBehavior | Gets or sets the behavior when the new input value is outside of GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.GcDateTime.MinDate and GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.GcDateTime.MaxDate. |
MinDate | Gets or sets the minimum allowable value when changing the field or value of the control using the spin setting. |
PaintByControl | Gets or sets a value that indicates how to paint the cell. If true, the cell uses the inner control's painting to paint the cell, in this case, the cell paints exactly the same as the editing control. All settings of the cell such as fields with different styles are shown when painting the cell. The cell's paint performance is slow if painting by the control, rather than painting the string directly. Also, the text in the cell cannot be selected when exporting to pdf. If false, performance is good but some settings do not take effect. |
RecommendedValue | Gets or sets the recommended value. |
ShowRecommendedValue | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the recommended value. |
SideButtons | Gets a collection of side buttons. |
Spin | Gets the spin function settings. |
ValidateMode | Gets or sets the validation mode during control input. |
Name | Description |
Clone() | Creates and returns a base cell. |
Deserialize(XmlNodeReader) | Loads the object from XML. |
Format(object) | Formats the specified data into the format of the cell type and returns it as a string. |
FormatToClipboard(object) | Formats to the Clipboard. |
GetDefaultDisplayFields() | Gets the default display fields. |
GetDefaultFields() | Gets the default fields. |
GetDefaultShortcuts() | Gets the default shortcuts. |
GetDefaultSideButtonTypes() | Gets the default side buttons. |
GetDisplayText(object) | Gets the display text. |
GetEditorControl(Appearance, float) | Gets the edit control for this cell type with the specified appearance and scaling. |
GetEditorValue() | Gets the unformatted value in the editor control. |
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) | Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object. |
GetPreferredSize(Graphics, Size, Appearance, object, float) | Gets the preferred (maximum needed) size of the cell for the renderer control. |
GetPreferredSize(Control) | Gets the preferred (maximum needed) size of the cell for the editor control. |
InitializeDefaultSideButtons(SideButtonBaseInfo[]) | Initializes the default side buttons. |
InitializeEditorControl(Control, Appearance, float) | Initializes the editor control. |
IsReusable(Control) | Determines whether the specified control is reusable. |
IsValid(object) | Determines whether the specified value is valid. |
Parse(string) | Parses the specified string to the data type of the cell type and returns it as an object. |
Serialize(XmlTextWriter) | Saves the object to XML. |
SetEditorValue(object) | Sets the value of the editor control. |
ShowSubEditor() | Shows the subeditor control associated with the cell. |
StartEditing(EventArgs, bool, bool) | Starts the editing of a cell. |
StopEditing() | Stops the editing of a cell. |