Represents a workbook.
public interface IWorkbook
Public Interface IWorkbook
Name | Description |
ActiveChart | Gets an IChart object that represents the active chart (either an embedded chart or a chart sheet).
An embedded chart is considered active when it's either selected or activated. When no chart is active, this property returns |
ActiveSheet | Gets the active sheet (the sheet on top). |
BuiltinDocumentProperties | Gets or sets the GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.DocumentProperties object that represents all built-in properties of the workbook. |
Charts | Gets the ICharts collection that represents all the charts in the specified workbook. |
Colors | Gets or sets colors in the palette for the workbook. The palette has 56 entries, each represented by an ARGB value. |
CustomDocumentProperties | Gets or sets the GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.DocumentProperties object that represents all custom properties of the workbook. |
Date1904 | Gets or sets whether the date system used to convert a date to a serial value starts since 1/1/1904. |
DefaultSlicerStyle | Gets or sets the table style from the ITableStyle collection that is used as the default slicer style. |
DefaultTableStyle | Gets or sets the table style from the ITableStyle collection that is used as the default table style. |
Features | Gets a Features object to manipulate settings of features. |
FullName | Gets the name of this workbook, including its path, as a string. |
LinkSources | Gets an array of links in the workbook. The names in the array are the names of the linked documents. Returns empty array if there are no links. |
Name | Gets or sets the name of this GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Workbook. |
Names | Gets a Names collection that represents all the names in the specified workbook (including all worksheet-specific names). |
Path | Gets a string that represents the complete path to the workbook/file that this workbook object respresents. |
ProtectStructure | Gets a value indicating whether the order of the sheets in the workbook is protected. |
ProtectWindows | Gets a value indicating whether the windows of the workbook are protected. |
SaveLinkValues | Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether externally referenced values will be saved with the workbook, enabling cells which refer to those values to be calculated without returning a #REF! error. |
SelectedSheets | Gets a ISheets collection that represents all the selected sheets in the specified window. |
Sheets | Gets the ISheets collection that represents all the sheets in the specified workbook. |
ShowHorizontalScroll | Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to display the horizontal scroll bar in the user interface. |
ShowSheetTabs | Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to display the sheet tabs in the user interface. |
ShowVerticalScroll | Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to display the vertical scroll bar in the user interface. |
SlicerCaches | Gets the ISlicerCaches object associated with the workbook. |
Styles | Gets a GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Styles collection that represents all the styles in the workbook. |
TableStyles | Gets the collection of table styles that are used in the workbook. |
Theme | Gets or sets the theme applied to the current workbook. |
UpdateLinks | Gets or sets an UpdateLinks constant indicating a workbook's setting for updating links. |
WorkbookSet | Gets the WorkbookSet object contains current IWorkbook object. |
Worksheets | Gets the IWorksheets collection that represents all the worksheet in the specified workbook. |
Name | Description |
ApplyTheme(Theme) | Applies the specified theme to the current workbook. |
ApplyTheme(Stream) | Applies the specified theme to the current workbook. |
ApplyTheme(string) | Applies the specified theme to the current workbook. |
BreakLink(string) | Converts formulas linked to other workbook to values. |
Calculate() | Calculates this workbook. |
Close(bool, string) | Closes this workbook. |
ConvertComments() | Converts all legacy comments and notes to modern comments. |
Protect(WorkbookLocks, string) | Protects a workbook so that it cannot be modified. |
Save() | Saves changes to the specified workbook. |
SaveAs(Stream, FileFormat, string, ExportContext) | |
SaveAs(string, FileFormat, string, ExportContext) | Saves this IWorkbook to the specified file location. |
Unprotect(string) | Unprotects the workbook which is protected by password. |
UpdateLink(string, Func<IWorkbook, string, IWorksheet>) | Updates the specified link of this workbook. |
UpdateLink(string[], Func<IWorkbook, string, IWorksheet>) | Updates one or all links of this workbook. |