(Showing Draft Content)

Manage Document Properties

Document properties contain information about a workbook, such as title, author, subject, etc. SpreadJS allows you to manage these properties within the workbook.

To manage document properties, SpreadJS provides docProps property of type IDocProps interface. It allows customization of document properties, such as coreDocProps, appDocProps, and customDocProps.

  • Core Document Properties - These are fundamental properties like title, creator, and keywords that provide essential information about the document.

  • App Document Properties - These properties are specific to managing the document, such as manager, company details, etc.

  • Custom Document Properties - These are user-defined properties that can be saved in various data types.

Using Code

The following code sample depicts how to set document properties.

// Set core document properties.
spread.docProps.coreDocProps = {
    title: 'Sample Document',
    creator: 'Admin',
    keywords: 'sample, document',
    subject: 'Sample Subject',
    description: 'This is a sample document',
    category: 'Sample Category',
    contentStatus: 'Draft',
    created: '11/01/24',
    lastPrinted: '20/01/24',
    modified: '21/01/24',
    lastModifiedBy: 'John'

// Set app document properties.
spread.docProps.appDocProps = {
    manager: 'John',
    company: 'XYZCompany',
    hyperlinkBase: 'https://example.com/documents/'

// Set custom document properties.
    { name: 'Kim', value: '1' },
    { name: 'Smith', value: '2' }

// Get document properties.

You can also change the custom properties of a document by using the customDocPropsManager property of the IDocProps interface. The following code sample demonstrates how to use a custom property manager to add, remove, get, list all, and clear custom properties associated with a document.

 const customPropsManager = spread.docProps.customDocPropsManager;
     { name: 'name1', value: 'value1' },
     { name: 'name2', value: 'value2' },

 // Set new custom document properties.
 customPropsManager.add('name3', 'value3');
 customPropsManager.add('name1', 'value1_modified');

 // Remove the custom document property 'name2'.

 // Get the value of the custom document property 'name3'.
 customPropsManager.get('name3'); // Output: 'value3'

 // Get all remaining custom document properties.
 customPropsManager.all(); // Output: [ { name: 'name1', value: 'value1_modified' }, { name: 'name3', value: 'value3' } ]

 // Clear all custom document properties.

Using Designer

To manage document properties within your workbook, follow the below steps.

View or Modify Standard Properties

  1. Click on the File tab and select Info.

  2. The right side of the Info tab displays the workbook’s properties.

  3. Add or modify the necessary information.

  4. Click outside the text field to save the changes.

    Info tab

Edit Advanced Properties

  1. Click on the File tab and select Info.

  2. Click the Properties dropdown and select Advanced Properties.

    Advance Document Properties

  3. In the Properties dialog, there are different tabs, like Summary, Statistics, Contents, and Custom.

    Each tab helps configure different kinds of information related to the document.

    Properties dialog

    By default, the Summary tab is selected. You can add/change the document summary information, as per your requirement. You can also view general information about your document in the Statistics and Contents tab.

  4. Click the Custom tab to define additional custom properties.

    1. In the Name field, type a name for the custom property or select from the list.

    2. In the Type dropdown, select the data type.

      The available data types are as follows:

      1. Text

      2. Date

      3. Number

      4. Yes or No

    3. In the Value field, enter the value matching the selected data type.

      The value that you provide must match the selection in the Type list. For example, if you choose ‘Number’ in the Type list, you must enter a number in the Value box. Note that the values that do not match the property type are saved as Text.

    4. Click Add.

      After adding a custom property, it appears in the Properties list.

      Custom Properties tab

      Additionally, SpreadJS provides a Link to Content setting to link document content to a property value so that whenever the content value changes, the document property will automatically update to reflect the new value. Here's an example that illustrates how this setting works.

      Example: Assume you have a workbook with a sales data sheet containing several tables and charts.

      1. Create a document property called "Total Sales" that automatically updates whenever the total sales value in cell B10 of your Sheet1 changes.

      2. In this instance, first create a custom name for the cell like Sheet1!$B$10.

        The custom name(s) will also be visible in the Contents tab and under the Named Ranges section.

      3. Now, navigate to the Custom tab and type "Total Sales" in the Name field, and select the Link to content checkbox.

        The Value field displays the custom name you created.

      4. Click Add and the property will appear in the Properties list along with a linked icon and contain the same value as for cell i.e. Sheet1!$B$10.

        Whenever the value in cell B10 changes, the "Total Sales" document property will automatically update to reflect the new value.

        However, if a custom content link property is invalid, an unlinked icon will appear before the property name, and it can only be deleted.

  5. Click OK to save the properties to the workbook.


  • When importing/exporting an Excel file using SpreadJS, the docProps properties should always be maintained.

  • If an imported document has a created time, it will use the existing created time of the document. Otherwise, there is no created time.

  • When opening a new Designer, the creation time is set to the current time by default. After clicking to add a new workbook, it will be updated to the most recent time.

  • When importing, SpreadJS uses the modified time of the document, whereas the modified time of the document is updated to the time of export on exporting.

  • When a user clicks the Print option, the last printed time is changed to the current time.