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Hit Test

Hit test generates a response to user actions on a Graphical User Interface.

SpreadJS supports hit-testing by allowing users to get cell index on mouse click events. This feature is useful when you need to access any element in the worksheet and respond to user selections. Using hit-testing, you can get the specified hit area from X and Y coordinates in the workbook and know which sections of the spreadsheet have been clicked by a user.

The hitTest method in the Workbook class allows users to get a specific hit area from X and Y coordinates in a workbook. Using this method, you can quickly recognize which element is located at the specified screen coordinates in a workbook.

Refer to the following table to know about different hit areas in a workbook along with their subareas (called click area elements) in different hit areas.

Workbook Area

Click Area Elements


corner, rowHeader, colHeader, viewport

Sheet Tab

prevArrow, nextArrow, sheetName, blank, resize

Horizontal Scroll Bar

leftButton, rightButton, thumbButton, trackButton

Vertical Scroll Bar

upButton, downButton, thumbButton, trackButton

Footer Corner


The five different workbook areas are described below along with their click area elements.

  • Worksheet

  • Sheet Tab

  • Horizontal Scroll Bar

  • Vertical Scroll Bar

  • Footer Corner

Using Code

This example shows how to use the hitTest method for hit detection. When a user clicks on an area in the workbook, the hitTest method is called and it returns the hit area from the X and Y coordinates in the workbook.

var hitArea = workbook.hitTest(0,0)