• allowCellOverflow: boolean
indicates whether data can overflow into adjacent empty cells.
• clipBoardOptions: ClipboardPasteOptions
The clipboard option.
• colHeaderAutoText: HeaderAutoText
Indicates whether the column header displays letters or numbers or is blank.
• colHeaderAutoTextIndex: HeaderAutoText
Specifies which column header row displays the automatic text when there are multiple column header rows.
• colHeaderVisible: boolean
Indicates whether the column header is visible.
• frozenlineColor: string
A color string used to represent the frozen line color, such as "red", "#FFFF00", "rgb(255,0,0)", "Accent 5", and so on.
• gridline: IWorkSheetGridlineOption
The grid line's options.
• isProtected: boolean
Indicates whether cells on this sheet that are marked as protected cannot be edited.
• protectionOptions: IProtectionOptions
A value that indicates the elements that you want users to be able to change.
• rowHeaderAutoText: HeaderAutoText
Indicates whether the row header displays letters or numbers or is blank.
• rowHeaderAutoTextIndex: HeaderAutoText
Specifies which row header column displays the automatic text when there are multiple row header columns.
• rowHeaderVisible: boolean
Indicates whether the row header is visible.
• selectionBackColor: string
The selection's background color for the sheet.
• selectionBorderColor: string
The selection's border color for the sheet.
• sheetTabColor: string
A color string used to represent the sheet tab color, such as "red", "#FFFF00", "rgb(255,0,0)", "Accent 5", and so on.
• showFormulas: boolean
indicates whether display the formulas string not the formula result.
• showZeros: boolean
indicates whether display the 0 in cells containing zero value. Default is true.