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Namespace: Data


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Type aliases

Type aliases


Ƭ AverageRuleOptions: Object

property {"averageRule"} ruleType - The rule type if you want to use average rule.

property type - The average type.

property style - The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.

property priority - The priority of the rule.

property stopIfTrue - Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
priority number The priority of the rule.
ruleType "averageRule" The rule type if you want to use average rule.
stopIfTrue boolean Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.
style StyleOptions The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.
type AverageType The average type.


Ƭ AverageType: "above" | "below" | "equalOrAbove" | "equalOrBelow" | "above1StdDev" | "below1StdDev" | "above2StdDev" | "below2StdDev" | "above3StdDev" | "below3StdDev"

description The average type.


Ƭ CellButtonOptions: Object

property position - The button's position in cell, which supports "left", "right", "leftOfText", "rightOfText".

property useButtonStyle - Whether the cellButton is a button style, default value is false.

property enabled - Whether the cell button responds to user actions, default value is true.

property width - The button's width. If it is set to null or undefined, the button width is auto fit based on the caption and image size.

property caption - The text of the button to display.

property imageSrc - When imageType is custom, can Specifies a image (base64) by imageSrc.

property imageSize - The image's size by object {width: 16, height: 16}, default value is 16px * 16px.

property imageSize.width - The image width.

property imageSize.height - The image height.

property captionAlign - The alignment of image and caption, which supports "left", "right".

property {string | Function} command - When click button, allow user to execute a command or user can execute a callback.

property imageType - The button's type (the type of image to display in the button). Provide some predefined type for cellButton, custom allow to Specifies icon. It supports "none", "custom", "clear", "cancel", "ok", "dropdown", "ellipsis", "left", "right", "plus", "minus", "undo", "redo", "search", "separator", "spinLeft", "spinRight", "collapse", "expand".

property visibility - The button can be visible "always", "onSelected", "onEditing", default value is "always".

property hoverBackColor - The hover backColor of cell button when the button is visible and enable.

property buttonBackColor - The backColor of cell button when the button is enable.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
buttonBackColor? string The backColor of cell button when the button is enable.
caption? string The text of the button to display.
captionAlign? "left" | "right" The alignment of image and caption, which supports "left", "right".
command? string | (sheet: any, row: number, col: number, option: any) => void When click button, allow user to execute a command or user can execute a callback.
enabled? boolean Whether the cell button responds to user actions, default value is true.
hoverBackColor? string The hover backColor of cell button when the button is visible and enable.
imageSize? { height: number ; width: number } The image's size by object {width: 16, height: 16}, default value is 16px * 16px.
imageSize.height number -
imageSize.width number -
imageSrc? string When imageType is custom, can Specifies a image (base64) by imageSrc.
imageType? "none" | "custom" | "clear" | "cancel" | "ok" | "dropdown" | "ellipsis" | "left" | "right" | "plus" | "minus" | "undo" | "redo" | "search" | "separator" | "spinLeft" | "spinRight" | "collapse" | "expand" The button's type (the type of image to display in the button). Provide some predefined type for cellButton, custom allow to Specifies icon.
position? "left" | "right" | "leftOfText" | "rightOfText" The button's position in cell, which supports "left", "right", "leftOfText", "rightOfText".
useButtonStyle? boolean Whether the cellButton is a button style, default value is false.
visibility? "always" | "onSelected" | "onEditing" The button can be visible "always", "onSelected", "onEditing", default value is "always".
width? number The button's width. If it is set to null or undefined, the button width is auto fit based on the caption and image size.


Ƭ CellValueComparisonOperator: "equalsTo" | "notEqualsTo" | "greaterThan" | "greaterThanOrEqualsTo" | "lessThan" | "lessThanOrEqualsTo" | "between" | "notBetween"

description The cell value comparison operator.


Ƭ CellValueRuleOptions: Object

property {"cellValueRule"} ruleType - The rule type if you want to use cell value rule.

property comparisonOperator - The comparison operator of cell value.

property value1 - The first value.

property value2 - The second value.

property style - The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.

property priority - The priority of the rule.

property stopIfTrue - Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
comparisonOperator CellValueComparisonOperator The comparison operator of cell value.
priority number The priority of the rule.
ruleType "cellValueRule" The rule type if you want to use cell value rule.
stopIfTrue boolean Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.
style StyleOptions The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.
value1 CellValueType The first value.
value2 CellValueType The second value.


Ƭ CellValueType: number | string | boolean | Date | FormulaString

description The cell value type.


Ƭ CheckboxOptions: Object

property type - The type of the cell type, supports "checkbox".

property caption - The caption.

property textTrue - The text when cell value is true.

property textIndeterminate - The text when cell value is indeterminate.

property textFalse - The text when cell value is false.

property textAlign - The text alignment relative to the check box, which supports "top", "bottom", "left", "right".

property isThreeState - Whether the check box supports three states.

property boxSize - The check box size.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
boxSize number The check box size.
caption string The caption.
isThreeState boolean Whether the check box supports three states.
textAlign "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" The text alignment relative to the check box, which supports "top", "bottom", "left", "right".
textFalse string The text when cell value is false.
textIndeterminate string The text when cell value is indeterminate.
textTrue string The text when cell value is true.
type "checkbox" The type of the cell type, supports "checkbox".


Ƭ ColorPickerGroup: Object

property name - The group name.

property {string[][]} colors - The group colors.

property needScaleColor - Whether generate scale color group.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
colors string[][] The group colors.
name string The group name.
needScaleColor boolean Whether generate scale color group.


Ƭ ColorPickerOptions: Object

property colorBlockSize - Every color cell's size.

property {GC.Data.ColorPickerGroup[]} groups - The group of the color picker, every group accept a name as group name, and a color array as the group's colors.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
colorBlockSize number Every color cell's size.
groups ColorPickerGroup[] The group of the color picker, every group accept a name as group name, and a color array as the group's colors.


Ƭ ColorString: string

description The string type color.


Ƭ ColumnBindingInfo: Object

property name - The bound column of data through name.

property displayName - The display name of this column.

property formatter - The formatter for this column.

property {number | string} size - The size of column.

property visible - The visibility of column.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
displayName? string The display name of this column.
formatter? string The formatter for this column.
name string The bound column of data through name.
size? number | string The size of column.
visible? boolean The visibility of column.


Ƭ ComboBoxOptions: Object

property type - The type of the cell type, supports "combobox".

property editorValueType - The editor value type, which supports "text", "index", "value".

property {string[] | GC.Data.ItemOptions[]} items - The items, which supports string Array or Object Array which each item contains text and value.

property itemHeight - The height of each item.

property maxDropDownItems - The maximum item count of the drop-down list per page.

property editable - Whether the combo box is editable.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
editable? boolean Whether the combo box is editable.
editorValueType? "text" | "index" | "value" The editor value type, which supports "text", "index", "value".
itemHeight? number The height of each item.
items string[] | ItemOptions[] The items, which supports string Array or Object Array which each item contains text and value.
maxDropDownItems? number The maximum item count of the drop-down list per page.
type "combobox" The type of the cell type, supports "combobox".


Ƭ DataBarAxisPosition: "automatic" | "cellMidPoint" | "none"

description The data bar rule axis position.


Ƭ DataBarRuleDirection: "leftToRight" | "rightToLeft"

description The data bar rule direction.


Ƭ DataBarRuleNegativeOptions: Object

property negativeFillColor - The color of the negative fill.

property useNegativeFillColor - Whether the negative fill color is used to paint the negative value.

property negativeBorderColor - The color of the negative border.

property useNegativeBorderColor - Whether the negative border color is used to paint the border for the negative value.

property axisColor - The axis color of the data bar.

property axisPosition - The axis position of the data bar.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
axisColor ColorString The axis color of the data bar.
axisPosition DataBarAxisPosition The axis position of the data bar.
negativeBorderColor ColorString The color of the negative border.
negativeFillColor ColorString The color of the negative fill.
useNegativeBorderColor boolean Whether the negative border color is used to paint the border for the negative value.
useNegativeFillColor boolean Whether the negative fill color is used to paint the negative value.


Ƭ DataBarRuleOptions: Object

property {"dataBarRule"} ruleType - The rule type if you want to use data bar rule.

property minType - The minimum scale type.

property minValue - The minimum scale value.

property maxType - The maximum scale type.

property maxValue - The maximum scale value.

property maxColor - The maximum scale color string.

property priority - The priority of the rule.

property stopIfTrue - Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.

property gradient - Whether the data bar is a gradient.

property showBarOnly - Whether to display the data bar without text.

property showBorder - Whether to paint the border.

property borderColor - The color of the border.

property barDirection - The data bar direction.

property negativeData - The options of data bar rule negative data options.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
barDirection DataBarRuleDirection The data bar direction.
borderColor ColorString The color of the border.
color ColorString -
gradient boolean Whether the data bar is a gradient.
maxType ScaleValueType The maximum scale type.
maxValue number The maximum scale value.
minType ScaleValueType The minimum scale type.
minValue number The minimum scale value.
negativeData DataBarRuleNegativeOptions The options of data bar rule negative data options.
priority number The priority of the rule.
ruleType "dataBarRule" The rule type if you want to use data bar rule.
showBarOnly boolean Whether to display the data bar without text.
showBorder boolean Whether to paint the border.
stopIfTrue boolean Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.


Ƭ DateOccurringRuleOptions: Object

property {"dateOccurringRule"} ruleType - The rule type if you want to use data occurring rule.

property type - The date occurring type.

property style - The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.

property priority - The priority of the rule.

property stopIfTrue - Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
priority number The priority of the rule.
ruleType "dateOccurringRule" The rule type if you want to use data occurring rule.
stopIfTrue boolean Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.
style StyleOptions The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.
type DateOccurringType The date occurring type.


Ƭ DateOccurringType: "today" | "yesterday" | "tomorrow" | "last7Days" | "thisMonth" | "lastMonth" | "nextMonth" | "thisWeek" | "lastWeek" | "nextWeek" | "nextQuarter" | "thisQuarter" | "lastQuarter" | "nextYear" | "thisYear" | "lastYear"

description The date occurring type.


Ƭ DateTimePickerOptions: Object

property showTime - Whether the calendar need to display time part.

property calendarPage - The default page, which accepts "year", "month", "day".

property startDay - The start day of week, normal the start day is monday or sunday, there user can set any day as it's start day. It accepts "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday".

Type declaration

Name Type Description
calendarPage "year" | "month" | "day" The default page, which accepts "year", "month", "day".
showTime boolean Whether the calendar need to display time part.
startDay "monday" | "tuesday" | "wednesday" | "thursday" | "friday" | "saturday" | "sunday" The start day of week, normal the start day is monday or sunday, there user can set any day as it's start day. It accepts "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday".


Ƭ DateValidatorOptions: Object

property {"date"} type - The data validator type.

property comparisonOperator - The data validator comparison operator.

property {Date | GC.Data.FormulaString} value1 - The data validator first value.

property {Date | GC.Data.FormulaString} value2 - The data validator second value if validator comparison operator is "between" or "notBetween".

property ignoreBlank - Whether to ignore empty value.

property inCellDropdown - Whether to display a drop-down button.

property errorStyle - The data validator error style.

property errorTitle - The data validator error title.

property errorMessage - The data validator error message.

property showErrorMessage - Whether to show error message.

property inputMessage - The data validator input message.

property inputTitle - The data validator input title.

property showInputMessage - Whether to show input message.

property highlightStyle - The data validator highlight style.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
comparisonOperator CellValueComparisonOperator The data validator comparison operator.
errorMessage string The data validator error message.
errorStyle ErrorStyle The data validator error style.
errorTitle string The data validator error title.
highlightStyle HighlightStyle The data validator highlight style.
ignoreBlank boolean Whether to ignore empty value.
inCellDropdown boolean Whether to display a drop-down button.
inputMessage string The data validator input message.
inputTitle string The data validator input title.
showErrorMessage boolean Whether to show error message.
showInputMessage boolean Whether to show input message.
type "date" The data validator type.
value1 Date | FormulaString The data validator first value.
value2? Date | FormulaString The data validator second value if validator comparison operator is "between" or "notBetween".


Ƭ Decoration: Object

property {GC.Data.Icon[]} icons - The icons of the decoration in the style.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
icons? Icon[] The icons of the decoration in the style.

Ƭ DropDownOptions: Object

property type - The type of drop down, which supports "colorPicker", "dateTimePicker", "timePicker", "monthPicker", "list", "slider", "calculator", "workflowList", "multiColumn".

property {GC.Data.ColorPickerOptions | GC.Data.DateTimePickerOptions | GC.Data.TimePickerOptions | GC.Data.MonthPickerOptions | GC.Data.ListOptions | GC.Data.SliderOptions | GC.Data.WorkFlowOptions | GC.Data.MultiColumnOptions} option - The option of drop down.

property submitCommand - A command name or a callback function which will be executed when submit drop down's value.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
option? ColorPickerOptions | DateTimePickerOptions | TimePickerOptions | MonthPickerOptions | ListOptions | SliderOptions | WorkFlowOptions | MultiColumnOptions The option of drop down.
submitCommand? string | (sheet: any, value: any, option: any) => void A command name or a callback function which will be executed when submit drop down's value.
type "colorPicker" | "dateTimePicker" | "timePicker" | "monthPicker" | "list" | "slider" | "calculator" | "workflowList" | "multiColumn" The type of drop down, which supports "colorPicker", "dateTimePicker", "timePicker", "monthPicker", "list", "slider", "calculator", "workflowList", "multiColumn".


Ƭ DuplicateRuleOptions: Object

property {"duplicateRule"} ruleType - The rule type if you want to use duplicate rule.

property style - The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.

property priority - The priority of the rule.

property stopIfTrue - Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
priority number The priority of the rule.
ruleType "duplicateRule" The rule type if you want to use duplicate rule.
stopIfTrue boolean Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.
style StyleOptions The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.


Ƭ ErrorStyle: "stop" | "warning" | "information"

description The validator error style.


Ƭ FormulaListValidatorOptions: Object

property {"formulaList"} type - The data validator type.

property formula - The data validator formula if the validator type if "formula" or "formulaList".

property ignoreBlank - Whether to ignore empty value.

property inCellDropdown - Whether to display a drop-down button.

property errorStyle - The data validator error style.

property errorTitle - The data validator error title.

property errorMessage - The data validator error message.

property showErrorMessage - Whether to show error message.

property inputMessage - The data validator input message.

property inputTitle - The data validator input title.

property showInputMessage - Whether to show input message.

property highlightStyle - The data validator highlight style.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
errorMessage string The data validator error message.
errorStyle ErrorStyle The data validator error style.
errorTitle string The data validator error title.
formula FormulaString The data validator formula if the validator type if "formula" or "formulaList".
highlightStyle HighlightStyle The data validator highlight style.
ignoreBlank boolean Whether to ignore empty value.
inCellDropdown boolean Whether to display a drop-down button.
inputMessage string The data validator input message.
inputTitle string The data validator input title.
showErrorMessage boolean Whether to show error message.
showInputMessage boolean Whether to show input message.
type "formulaList" The data validator type.


Ƭ FormulaRule: Object

property formula - The formula.

description The formula rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
formula FormulaString the formula string


Ƭ FormulaRuleOptions: Object

property {"formulaRule"} ruleType - The rule type if you want to use formula rule.

property formula - The formula.

property style - The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.

property priority - The priority of the rule.

property stopIfTrue - Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
formula FormulaString The formula.
priority number The priority of the rule.
ruleType "formulaRule" The rule type if you want to use formula rule.
stopIfTrue boolean Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.
style StyleOptions The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.


Ƭ FormulaString: string


Ƭ FormulaValidatorOptions: Object

property {"formula"} type - The data validator type.

property formula - The data validator formula if the validator type if "formula" or "formulaList".

property ignoreBlank - Whether to ignore empty value.

property inCellDropdown - Whether to display a drop-down button.

property errorStyle - The data validator error style.

property errorTitle - The data validator error title.

property errorMessage - The data validator error message.

property showErrorMessage - Whether to show error message.

property inputMessage - The data validator input message.

property inputTitle - The data validator input title.

property showInputMessage - Whether to show input message.

property highlightStyle - The data validator highlight style.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
errorMessage string The data validator error message.
errorStyle ErrorStyle The data validator error style.
errorTitle string The data validator error title.
formula FormulaString The data validator formula if the validator type if "formula" or "formulaList".
highlightStyle HighlightStyle The data validator highlight style.
ignoreBlank boolean Whether to ignore empty value.
inCellDropdown boolean Whether to display a drop-down button.
inputMessage string The data validator input message.
inputTitle string The data validator input title.
showErrorMessage boolean Whether to show error message.
showInputMessage boolean Whether to show input message.
type "formula" The data validator type.


Ƭ GradientFillOptions: Object

property degree - The gradient fill degree.

property {GC.Data.GradientStop[]} stops - The gradient fill stops.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
degree? number The gradient fill degree.
stops GradientStop[] The gradient fill stops.


Ƭ GradientPathFillOptions: Object

property type - The gradient path fill type, supports "path."

property left - The gradient path fill left.

property right - The gradient path fill right.

property top - The gradient path fill top.

property bottom - The gradient path fill bottom.

property {GC.Data.GradientStop[]} stops - The gradient path fill stops.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
bottom? number The gradient path fill bottom.
left? number The gradient path fill left.
right? number The gradient path fill right.
stops GradientStop[] The gradient path fill stops.
top? number The gradient path fill top.
type "path" The gradient path fill type, supports "path."


Ƭ GradientStop: Object

property color - The gradient stop color.

property position - The gradient stop position.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
color string The gradient stop color.
position number The gradient stop position.


Ƭ HeaderStyleOptions: Object

property {string | GC.Data.PatternFillOptions | GC.Data.GradientFillOptions | GC.Data.GradientPathFillOptions} backColor - The background color string or pattern fill options, gradient fill options, gradient path fill options.

property foreColor - The foreground color.

property hAlign - The horizontal alignment, which supports "left", "center", "right", "general".

property vAlign - The vertical alignment, which supports "top", "center", "bottom".

property font - The font.

property themeFont - The theme font.

property formatter - The formatter string.

property borderLeft - The left border.

property borderTop - The top border.

property borderRight - The right border.

property borderBottom - The bottom border.

property diagonalDown - The diagonal with LeftTop to bottomRight.

property diagonalUp - The diagonal with topRight to bottomLeft.

property locked - Whether the cell, row, or column is locked.

property textIndent - The text indent amount.

property wordWrap - Whether words wrap within the cell or cells.

property shrinkToFit - Whether content shrinks to fit the cell or cells.

property backgroundImage - The background image to display.

property backgroundImageLayout - The layout for the background image, which supports "stretch", "center", "zoom", "none".

property textDecoration - The decoration added to text.

property name - The name.

property parentName - The name of the parent style.

property watermark - The watermark content.

property cellPadding - The cell padding.

property labelOptions - The cell label options.

property isVerticalText - Whether to set the cell's text vertical.

property showEllipsis - Whether the text out of bounds shows ellipsis.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
backColor? string | PatternFillOptions | GradientFillOptions | GradientPathFillOptions The background color string or pattern fill options, gradient fill options, gradient path fill options.
backgroundImage? string The background image to display.
backgroundImageLayout? "stretch" | "center" | "zoom" | "none" The layout for the background image, which supports "stretch", "center", "zoom", "none".
borderBottom? LineBorder The bottom border.
borderLeft? LineBorder The left border.
borderRight? LineBorder The right border.
borderTop? LineBorder The top border.
cellPadding? string The cell padding.
diagonalDown? LineBorder The diagonal with LeftTop to bottomRight.
diagonalUp? LineBorder The diagonal with topRight to bottomLeft.
font? string The font.
foreColor? string The foreground color.
formatter? string The formatter string.
hAlign? "left" | "center" | "right" | "general" The horizontal alignment, which supports "left", "center", "right", "general".
isVerticalText? boolean Whether to set the cell's text vertical.
labelOptions? LabelOptions The cell label options.
locked? boolean Whether the cell, row, or column is locked.
name? string The name.
parentName? string The name of the parent style.
showEllipsis? boolean Whether the text out of bounds shows ellipsis.
shrinkToFit? boolean Whether content shrinks to fit the cell or cells.
textDecoration? TextDecoration The decoration added to text.
textIndent? number The text indent amount.
themeFont? string The theme font.
vAlign? "top" | "center" | "bottom" The vertical alignment, which supports "top", "center", "bottom".
watermark? string The watermark content.
wordWrap? boolean Whether words wrap within the cell or cells.


Ƭ HierarchyCustomParseHandler: (options: IHierarchyCustomParseOptions) => any

Type declaration

▸ (options): any

description Get the parentId of the current record.

Name Type Description
options IHierarchyCustomParseOptions the options for the handler.


Returns of the parentId of the current record.


Ƭ HierarchyCustomUnparseHandler: (options: IHierarchyCustomUnparseOptions) => any

Type declaration

▸ (options): any

description Get the id of the current record.

Name Type Description
options IHierarchyCustomUnparseOptions the options for the handler.


Returns of the id of the current record.


Ƭ HighlightStyle: Object

property {"circle" | "dogEar" | "icon"} type - The highlight type.

property color - The highlight color.

property {"topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottomRight" | "bottomLeft" | "outsideLeft" | "outsideRight"} position - The highlight position.

property image - The highlight image, it could be an url or base64 data.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
color? string The highlight color.
image? string The highlight image, it could be an url or base64 data.
position "topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottomRight" | "bottomLeft" | "outsideLeft" | "outsideRight" The highlight position.
type? "circle" | "dogEar" | "icon" The highlight type.


Ƭ HyperlinkOptions: Object

property type - The type of the cell type, supports "hyperlink".

property linkColor - The color of the link.

property visitedLinkColor - The color of the visited link.

property text - The text of the link.

property linkToolTip - The tooltip of the link.

property target - The type of the link's target, which support "blank", "self", "parent", "top".

property activeOnClick - Whether to move to the active cell when clicked.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
activeOnClick boolean Whether to move to the active cell when clicked.
linkColor string The color of the link.
linkToolTip string The tooltip of the link.
target "blank" | "self" | "parent" | "top" The type of the link's target, which support "blank", "self", "parent", "top".
text string The text of the link.
type "hyperlink" The type of the cell type, supports "hyperlink".
visitedLinkColor string The color of the visited link.


Ƭ IColumn: Object

property name - The unique name of the column.

property value - The value of the column, could be a field name of table from database, or formula which uses the fields names.

property {string | string[]} caption - The caption of the column.

property {number | string} width - The width of the column, support number in pixel, or star size.

property style - The style of the column.

property {(GC.Data.CellValueRuleOptions | GC.Data.SpecificTextRuleOptions | GC.Data.FormulaRuleOptions | GC.Data.DateOccurringRuleOptions | GC.Data.Top10RuleOptions | GC.Data.UniqueRuleOptions | GC.Data.DuplicateRuleOptions | GC.Data.AverageRuleOptions | GC.Data.TwoScaleRuleOptions | GC.Data.ThreeScaleRuleOptions | GC.Data.DataBarRuleOptions | GC.Data.IconSetRuleOptions)[]} conditionalFormats - The conditional formats array of the column.

property {GC.Data.NumberValidatorOptions | GC.Data.DateValidatorOptions | GC.Data.TimeValidatorOptions | GC.Data.TextLengthValidatorOptions | GC.Data.FormulaValidatorOptions | GC.Data.FormulaListValidatorOptions | GC.Data.ListValidatorOptions} validator - The data validator of the column.

property isPrimaryKey - Mark the column as primary key column.

property readonly - Mark the column is readonly.

property required - Mark the column is required when insert a new row.

property defaultValue - Provide the default value when insert a new row, could be a const or a formula.

property headerStyle - The header style of the column.

property visible - Mark the column is visible.

property headerFit - The header fit mode, any of the "normal", "vertical" or "stack". The default value is "normal".

property dataType - The actual data type of original value, any of "string", "number", "boolean", "object", "array", "date" or "rowOrder". It is useful for a Date because a Date is a string in JSON data and need be converted.

property dataPattern - The data pattern for parsing string to value, such as formatter "dd/MM/yyyy" for a date string, truthy and falsy value pairs "Yes|No" for a boolean string, decimal separator "," for a numeric string.

property dataMap - A simple map to display the original value more meaningful, its key could be a number or string, and its value could be a number, string or Date.

property spread - Whether to spread a column when its value is an object.

property dataName - The original name of the table field, using this property to map the original name to the specified name.

property indexed - Weather need to create the filter cache while creating the table.

property allowSort - Whether show sort after opening filer dialog.

property allowFilterByValue - Whether show filter by value after opening filer dialog.

property allowFilterByList - Whether show filter by list after opening filer dialog. If allowSort, allowFilterByValue and allowFilterByList are all false, not show the filter button in this column.

property {string | GC.Data.ICrossOptions} cross - The cross options of the column.

property {string | (string | number | boolean | Date)[] | GC.Data.ILookupOptions} lookup - Define the lookup for the column, only be used in the columns of the schema of the data source.

property {boolean | GC.Data.IOutlineColumnOptions} outlineColumn - Define the outline column only when the data be the hierarchy data.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
allowFilterByList? boolean Whether show filter by list after opening filer dialog. If allowSort, allowFilterByValue and allowFilterByList are all false, not show the filter button in this column.
allowFilterByValue? boolean Whether show filter by value after opening filer dialog.
allowSort? boolean Whether show sort after opening filer dialog.
caption? string | string[] The caption of the column.
conditionalFormats? (CellValueRuleOptions | SpecificTextRuleOptions | FormulaRuleOptions | DateOccurringRuleOptions | Top10RuleOptions | UniqueRuleOptions | DuplicateRuleOptions | AverageRuleOptions | TwoScaleRuleOptions | ThreeScaleRuleOptions | DataBarRuleOptions | IconSetRuleOptions)[] The conditional formats array of the column.
cross? string | ICrossOptions The cross options of the column.
dataMap? any A simple map to display the original value more meaningful, its key could be a number or string, and its value could be a number, string or Date.
dataName? string The original name of the table field, using this property to map the original name to the specified name.
dataPattern? string The data pattern for parsing string to value, such as formatter "dd/MM/yyyy" for a date string, truthy and falsy value pairs "Yes|No" for a boolean string, decimal separator "," for a numeric string.
dataType? "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "object" | "array" | "date" | "rowOrder" | "TaskDate" | "TaskDuration" | "TaskSubject" | "TaskSchedulingMode" | "TaskComplete" | "TaskPredecessor" The actual data type of original value, any of "string", "number", "boolean", "object", "array", "date" or "rowOrder". It is useful for a Date because a Date is a string in JSON data and need be converted.
defaultValue? any Provide the default value when insert a new row, could be a const or a formula.
headerFit? "normal" | "vertical" | "stack" The header fit mode, any of the "normal", "vertical" or "stack". The default value is "normal".
headerStyle? HeaderStyleOptions The header style of the column.
indexed? boolean Weather need to create the filter cache while creating the table.
isPrimaryKey? boolean Mark the column as primary key column.
lookup? string | (string | number | boolean | Date)[] | ILookupOptions Define the lookup for the column, only be used in the columns of the schema of the data source.
name? string The unique name of the column.
outlineColumn? boolean | IOutlineColumnOptions Define the outline column only when the data be the hierarchy data.
readonly? boolean Mark the column is readonly.
required? boolean Mark the column is required when insert a new row.
spread? boolean Whether to spread a column when its value is an object.
style? StyleOptions The style of the column.
validator? NumberValidatorOptions | DateValidatorOptions | TimeValidatorOptions | TextLengthValidatorOptions | FormulaValidatorOptions | FormulaListValidatorOptions | ListValidatorOptions The data validator of the column.
value? string The value of the column, could be a field name of table from database, or formula which uses the fields names.
visible? boolean Mark the column is visible.
width? number | string The width of the column, support number in pixel, or star size.


Ƭ IColumnCollection: Object

property key - A key-value collection, which key is a string, and value is a GC.Data.IColumn object.

Index signature

▪ [key: string]: IColumn


Ƭ ICrossAttributeOptions: Object

property value - To define the header of cross column.

property formatter - To format the value.

description The options to define the header of cross column.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
formatter? string To format the value.
value string To define the header of cross column.


Ƭ ICrossOptions: Object

property over - The key to find cross column.

property {(string | GC.Data.ICrossAttributeOptions)[]} attributes - The attributes to define multi headers of the cross column.

property filter - The formula to filter out the cross columns.

property caption - The self-defined header.

description The options to define the cross column.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
attributes? (string | ICrossAttributeOptions)[] The attributes to define multi headers of the cross column.
caption? string The self-defined header.
filter? string The formula to filter out the cross columns.
over string The key to find cross column.


Ƭ ICrossViewOptions: Object

property key - A key-value collection, which key is a string, and value is a GC.Data.ICrossOptions object.

Index signature

▪ [key: string]: ICrossOptions


Ƭ IDataSourceOption: Object

property {Array | string} data - Local data source, which could be an object array for JSON, a string for CSV or XML.

property remote - Remote data source, which supports REST API, OData, GraphQL.

property autoSync - In auto sync mode, data changes will be synced to server immediately.

property batch - In batch mode, data changes will be held in data source, user need invoke submitChanges method to sync server.

property schema - The data source schema options.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
autoSync? boolean In auto sync mode, data changes will be synced to server immediately.
batch? boolean In batch mode, data changes will be held in data source, user need invoke submitChanges method to sync server.
data? any Local data source, which could be an object array for JSON, a string for CSV or XML.
remote? IRemoteTransportOption Remote data source, which supports REST API, OData, GraphQL.
schema? ISchemaOption The data source schema options.


Ƭ IHierarchyCustomParseOptions: Object

property data - The data of the current record.

property index - The record index.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
data any The data of the current record.
index number The record index.


Ƭ IHierarchyCustomUnparseOptions: Object

property data - The data of the current record.

property index - The record index.

property parentData - The data of the parent record.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
data any The data of the current record.
index number The record index.
parentData any The data of the parent record.


Ƭ IHierarchyOption: Object

property type - Supports 'Parent', 'ChildrenPath', 'Level', 'Custom'.

property column - The column that has the data to build hierarchy.

property {string | GC.Data.IHierarchyOutlineColumnOptions} outlineColumn - The definitions of the outline column of the column that show as hierarchy.

property summaryFields - The definitions of the collections of hierarchy summary fields.

property parse - The options to parse the parentId for the custom hierarchy type.

property unparse - The options to unparse the record to the id for the custom hierarchy type.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
column string The column that has the data to build hierarchy.
outlineColumn? string | IHierarchyOutlineColumnOptions The definitions of the outline column of the column that show as hierarchy.
parse? HierarchyCustomParseHandler The options to parse the parentId for the custom hierarchy type.
summaryFields? IHierarchySummaryFieldCollection The definitions of the collections of hierarchy summary fields.
type "Parent" | "ChildrenPath" | "Level" | "Custom" Supports 'Parent', 'ChildrenPath', 'Level', 'Custom'.
unparse? HierarchyCustomUnparseHandler The options to unparse the record to the id for the custom hierarchy type.


Ƭ IHierarchyOutlineColumnOptions: Object

property value - Specified the column that show as hierarchy.

property showCheckBox - Whether to display the check box.

property showImage - Whether to display images.

property {string[]} images - The images by level (url or base64Image).

property showIndicator - Whether to display the indicator.

property expandIndicator - The expand indicator (url or base64Image).

property collapseIndicator - The collapse indicator (url or base64Image).

Type declaration

Name Type Description
collapseIndicator? string The collapse indicator (url or base64Image).
expandIndicator? string The expand indicator (url or base64Image).
images? string[] The images by level (url or base64Image).
showCheckBox? boolean Whether to display the check box.
showImage? boolean Whether to display images.
showIndicator? boolean Whether to display the indicator.
value string Specified the column that show as hierarchy.


Ƭ IHierarchySummaryFieldCollection: Object

property key - A key-value collection, which key is a field string, and value is a formula string.

Index signature

▪ [key: string]: string


Ƭ ILookupOptions: Object

property name - The relation ship name.

property {string[] | GC.Data.IColumn[]} columns - The columns definitions of the related table, used for multi-column drop down.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
columns string[] | IColumn[] The columns definitions of the related table, used for multi-column drop down.
name string The relation ship name.


Ƭ IOutlineColumnOptions: Object

property showCheckBox - Whether to display the check box.

property showImage - Whether to display images.

property {string[]} images - The images by level (url or base64Image).

property showIndicator - Whether to display the indicator.

property expandIndicator - The expand indicator (url or base64Image).

property collapseIndicator - The collapse indicator (url or base64Image).

Type declaration

Name Type Description
collapseIndicator? string The collapse indicator (url or base64Image).
expandIndicator? string The expand indicator (url or base64Image).
images? string[] The images by level (url or base64Image).
showCheckBox? boolean Whether to display the check box.
showImage? boolean Whether to display images.
showIndicator? boolean Whether to display the indicator.


Ƭ IRemoteReadRequestOption: Object

property url - Request url.

property method - Request method, such as 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', default value is 'GET'.

property adapter - Adapt different data protocol, supports "rest", "odata", "odata4", "graphql".

property body - Request body.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
adapter? string Adapt different data protocol, supports "rest", "odata", "odata4", "graphql".
body? Object Request body.
method? "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" Request method, such as 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', default value is 'GET'.
url string Request url.


Ƭ IRemoteRequestOption: Object

property url - Request url.

property method - Request method, such as 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', default value is 'GET'.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
method? "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" Request method, such as 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', default value is 'GET'.
url string Request url.


Ƭ IRemoteTransportOption: Object

property {GC.Data.IRemoteReadRequestOption | GC.Data.RemoteReadHandler} read - The options for read operation.

property {GC.Data.IRemoteRequestOption | GC.Data.RemoteChangeHandler} create - The options for create operation.

property {GC.Data.IRemoteRequestOption | GC.Data.RemoteChangeHandler} update - The options for update operation.

property {GC.Data.IRemoteRequestOption | GC.Data.RemoteChangeHandler} delete - The options for delete operation.

property {GC.Data.IRemoteRequestOption | GC.Data.RemoteChangeHandler} batch - The options for batch operation.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
batch? IRemoteRequestOption | RemoteChangeHandler The options for batch operation.
create? IRemoteRequestOption | RemoteChangeHandler The options for create operation.
delete? IRemoteRequestOption | RemoteChangeHandler The options for delete operation.
read IRemoteReadRequestOption | RemoteReadHandler The options for read operation.
update? IRemoteRequestOption | RemoteChangeHandler The options for update operation.


Ƭ ISchemaOption: Object

property type - Supports 'json', 'csv', 'xml', 'columnJson'.

property countPath - Data reader use this to get data source collection length, return the current data source collection length if this is not specified.

property dataPath - Data reader use this to get data source collection after parse, return entire parsed object if this is not specified.

property columns - The definitions of all columns of current table.

property hierarchy - The definitions of hierarchy options.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
columns? IColumnCollection The definitions of all columns of current table.
countPath? string Data reader use this to get data source collection length, return the current data source collection length if this is not specified.
dataPath? string Data reader use this to get data source collection after parse, return entire parsed object if this is not specified.
hierarchy? IHierarchyOption The definitions of hierarchy options.
type? string Supports 'json', 'csv', 'xml', 'columnJson'.


Ƭ Icon: Object

property position - The icon's position, which supports "left", "right", "leftOfText", "rightOfText", "outsideLeft", "outsideRight".

property width - The painted width.

property height - The painted height.

property src - The icon path.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
height? number The painted height.
position? "left" | "right" | "leftOfText" | "rightOfText" | "outsideLeft" | "outsideRight" The icon's position, which supports "left", "right", "leftOfText", "rightOfText", "outsideLeft", "outsideRight".
src? string The icon path.
width? number The painted width.


Ƭ IconCriteriaOptions: Object

property isGreaterThanOrEqualTo - If set to true, use the greater than or equal to operator to calculate the value.

property iconValueType - The icon value type.

property {number|string} iconValue - The icon value.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
iconValue number | string The icon value.
iconValueType IconValueType The icon value type.
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo boolean If set to true, use the greater than or equal to operator to calculate the value.


Ƭ IconOptions: Object

property iconSetType - The icon value type.

property iconIndex - The custom icon index

Type declaration

Name Type Description
iconIndex number The custom icon index
iconSetType IconSetType The icon value type.


Ƭ IconSetRuleOptions: Object

property {"iconSetRule"} ruleType - The rule type if you want to use icon set rule.

property iconSetType - The icon set type.

property reverseIconOrder - Whether to reverse icon order.

property showIconOnly - Whether to display the icon only.

property {GC.Data.IconOptions[]} icons - The array of icon options.

property priority - The priority of the rule.

property stopIfTrue - Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
iconSetType IconSetType The icon set type.
icons IconOptions[] The array of icon options.
priority number The priority of the rule.
reverseIconOrder boolean Whether to reverse icon order.
ruleType "iconSetRule" The rule type if you want to use icon set rule.
showIconOnly boolean Whether to display the icon only.
stopIfTrue boolean Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.


Ƭ IconSetType: "threeArrowsColored" | "threeArrowsGray" | "threeTriangles" | "threeStars" | "threeFlags" | "threeTrafficLightsUnrimmed" | "threeTrafficLightsRimmed" | "threeSigns" | "threeSymbolsCircled" | "threeSymbolsUncircled" | "fourArrowsColored" | "fourArrowsGray" | "fourRedToBlack" | "fourRatings" | "fourTrafficLights" | "fiveArrowsColored" | "fiveArrowsGray" | "fiveRatings" | "fiveQuarters" | "fiveBoxes" | "noIcons"

description The icon set type.


Ƭ IconValueType: "number" | "percent" | "formula" | "percentile"

description The icon value type.


Ƭ ItemOptions: Object

property text - The item text.

property value - The item value, could be a number, string, boolean, Date.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
text string The item text.
value any The item value, could be a number, string, boolean, Date.


Ƭ LabelOptions: Object

property alignment - The cell label position, which supports "topLeft", "topCenter", "topRight", "bottomLeft", "bottomCenter", "bottomRight".

property visibility - The cell label visibility, which supports "visible", "hidden", "auto".

property font - The cell label font.

property foreColor - The cell label foreground color.

property margin - The cell label margin.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
alignment "topLeft" | "topCenter" | "topRight" | "bottomLeft" | "bottomCenter" | "bottomRight" The cell label position, which supports "topLeft", "topCenter", "topRight", "bottomLeft", "bottomCenter", "bottomRight".
font string The cell label font.
foreColor string The cell label foreground color.
margin string The cell label margin.
visibility "visible" | "hidden" | "auto" The cell label visibility, which supports "visible", "hidden", "auto".


Ƭ LineBorder: Object

property color - The border color.

property style - The border style, which supports "empty", "thin", "medium", "dashed", "dotted", "thick", "double", "hair", "mediumDashed", "dashDot", "mediumDashDot", "dashDotDot", "mediumDashDotDot", "slantedDashDot".

Type declaration

Name Type Description
color string The border color.
style "empty" | "thin" | "medium" | "dashed" | "dotted" | "thick" | "double" | "hair" | "mediumDashed" | "dashDot" | "mediumDashDot" | "dashDotDot" | "mediumDashDotDot" | "slantedDashDot" The border style, which supports "empty", "thin", "medium", "dashed", "dotted", "thick", "double", "hair", "mediumDashed", "dashDot", "mediumDashDot", "dashDotDot", "mediumDashDotDot", "slantedDashDot".


Ƭ ListItem: Object

property text - The item text.

property value - The item value.

property icon - The item icon.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
icon? string The item icon.
text? string The item text.
value? string The item value.


Ƭ ListLayout: Object

property direction - The layout direction, which accepts "horizontal", "vertical".

property displayAs - The layout display, which accepts "inline", "popup", "tree".

property collapsible - Whether the list can be collapsed.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
collapsible? boolean Whether the list can be collapsed.
direction? "horizontal" | "vertical" The layout direction, which accepts "horizontal", "vertical".
displayAs? "inline" | "popup" | "tree" The layout display, which accepts "inline", "popup", "tree".


Ƭ ListOptions: Object

property text - The text.

property layout - The layout.

property multiSelect - Whether to set the list to multi-select.

property valueType - The cell value type of dropdown list result, which accepts "string", "array".

property {GC.Data.ListItem[] | GC.Data.ListOptions[] | Function} items - The items. Usually, it accepts an array. Specially, when it accepts a function, the function should returns a DOM element.

property onItemSelected - It is used when items or sub-items are selected.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
items ListItem[] | ListOptions[] | () => HTMLElement a function returns a DOM element
layout? ListLayout The layout.
multiSelect? boolean Whether to set the list to multi-select.
text? string The text.
valueType? "string" | "array" The cell value type of dropdown list result, which accepts "string", "array".
onItemSelected? (e: MouseEvent) => string used when items or sub-items is (() => HTMLElement)


Ƭ ListString: string

description The list type string, such as "1,2,3".


Ƭ ListValidatorOptions: Object

property {"list"} type - The data validator type.

property source - The data validator source.

property ignoreBlank - Whether to ignore empty value.

property inCellDropdown - Whether to display a drop-down button.

property errorStyle - The data validator error style.

property errorTitle - The data validator error title.

property errorMessage - The data validator error message.

property showErrorMessage - Whether to show error message.

property inputMessage - The data validator input message.

property inputTitle - The data validator input title.

property showInputMessage - Whether to show input message.

property highlightStyle - The data validator highlight style.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
errorMessage string The data validator error message.
errorStyle ErrorStyle The data validator error style.
errorTitle string The data validator error title.
highlightStyle HighlightStyle The data validator highlight style.
ignoreBlank boolean Whether to ignore empty value.
inCellDropdown boolean Whether to display a drop-down button.
inputMessage string The data validator input message.
inputTitle string The data validator input title.
showErrorMessage boolean Whether to show error message.
showInputMessage boolean Whether to show input message.
source ListString The data validator source.
type "list" The data validator type.


Ƭ MonthPickerOptions: Object

property startYear - The month picker's start year, default value is ten year ago.

property stopYear - The month picker's stop year, default value is this year.

property height - The dom's height of month picker, default value is 300.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
height number The dom's height of month picker, default value is 300.
startYear number The month picker's start year, default value is ten year ago.
stopYear number The month picker's stop year, default value is this year.


Ƭ MultiColumnOptions: Object

property width - User can customize the width for multi-column dropdown. By default, it is the min value between 800 and the result of auto calculated all the column width.

property height - User can customize the height for multi-column dropdown. By default, it is the min value between 400 and the result of auto calculated all the row height.

property {string | Object[]} dataSource - User should specify the dataSource for binding.The dataSource is required, supports array or formula which return an array.

property {GC.Data.ColumnBindingInfo[]} bindingInfos - User can customize the bound column infos.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
bindingInfos? ColumnBindingInfo[] User can customize the bound column infos.
dataSource string | any[] User should specify the dataSource for binding.The dataSource is required, supports array or formula which return an array.
height? number User can customize the height for multi-column dropdown. By default, it is the min value between 400 and the result of auto calculated all the row height.
width? number User can customize the width for multi-column dropdown. By default, it is the min value between 800 and the result of auto calculated all the column width.


Ƭ NumberValidatorOptions: Object

property {"number"} type - The data validator type.

property comparisonOperator - The data validator comparison operator.

property {number | GC.Data.FormulaString} value1 - The data validator first value.

property {number | GC.Data.FormulaString} value2 - The data validator second value if validator comparison operator is "between" or "notBetween".

property isIntegerValue - Is it an integer value if the validator type if "number".

property ignoreBlank - Whether to ignore empty value.

property inCellDropdown - Whether to display a drop-down button.

property errorStyle - The data validator error style.

property errorTitle - The data validator error title.

property errorMessage - The data validator error message.

property showErrorMessage - Whether to show error message.

property inputMessage - The data validator input message.

property inputTitle - The data validator input title.

property showInputMessage - Whether to show input message.

property highlightStyle - The data validator highlight style.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
comparisonOperator CellValueComparisonOperator The data validator comparison operator.
errorMessage string The data validator error message.
errorStyle ErrorStyle The data validator error style.
errorTitle string The data validator error title.
highlightStyle HighlightStyle The data validator highlight style.
ignoreBlank boolean Whether to ignore empty value.
inCellDropdown boolean Whether to display a drop-down button.
inputMessage string The data validator input message.
inputTitle string The data validator input title.
isIntegerValue boolean Is it an integer value if the validator type if "number".
showErrorMessage boolean Whether to show error message.
showInputMessage boolean Whether to show input message.
type "number" The data validator type.
value1 number | FormulaString The data validator first value.
value2? number | FormulaString The data validator second value if validator comparison operator is "between" or "notBetween".


Ƭ PatternFillOptions: Object

property type - The pattern fill type, which supports "solid", "darkGray", "mediumGray", "lightGray", "gray125", "gray0625", "darkHorizontal", "darkVertical", "darkDown", "darkUp", "darkGrid", "darkTrellis", "lightHorizontal", "lightVertical", "lightDown", "lightUp", "lightGrid" and "lightTrellis".

property patternColor - the pattern fill color.

property backgroundColor - the pattern fill background color.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
backgroundColor? string the pattern fill background color.
patternColor string the pattern fill color.
type "solid" | "darkGray" | "mediumGray" | "lightGray" | "gray125" | "gray0625" | "darkHorizontal" | "darkVertical" | "darkDown" | "darkUp" | "darkGrid" | "darkTrellis" | "lightHorizontal" | "lightVertical" | "lightDown" | "lightUp" | "lightGrid" | "lightTrellis" The pattern fill type, which supports "solid", "darkGray", "mediumGray", "lightGray", "gray125", "gray0625", "darkHorizontal", "darkVertical", "darkDown", "darkUp", "darkGrid", "darkTrellis", "lightHorizontal", "lightVertical", "lightDown", "lightUp", "lightGrid" and "lightTrellis".


Ƭ RadioButtonCheckboxListOptions: Object

property type - The type of the cell type, supports "radioButtonList","checkboxList".

property {GC.Data.ItemOptions[]} items - The items, which supports Object Array which each item contains text and value.

property direction - The the radio box or check box's orders, which support "horizontal", "vertical".

property maxColumnCount - The the radio box or check box's column count.

property maxRowCount - The the radio box or check box's row count.

property isFlowLayout - The the radio box or check box's layout is auto fit.

property itemSpacing - The space for two items.

property itemSpacing.horizontal - The space for two items in horizontal direction.

property itemSpacing.vertical - The space for two items in vertical direction.

property textAlign - The text alignment relative to the radio box or check box, which supports "left", "right".

property boxSize - The radio box or check box size.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
boxSize number The radio box or check box size.
direction "horizontal" | "vertical" The the radio box or check box's orders, which support "horizontal", "vertical".
isFlowLayout boolean The the radio box or check box's layout is auto fit.
itemSpacing { horizontal: number ; vertical: number } The space for two items.
itemSpacing.horizontal number -
itemSpacing.vertical number -
items ItemOptions[] The items, which supports Object Array which each item contains text and value.
maxColumnCount number The the radio box or check box's column count.
maxRowCount number The the radio box or check box's row count.
textAlign "left" | "right" The text alignment relative to the radio box or check box, which supports "left", "right".
type "radioButtonList" | "checkboxList" The type of the cell type, supports "radioButtonList","checkboxList".


Ƭ RemoteChangeHandler: (data: Object | Object[], options: RequestInit) => Promise<Object | Object[]>

Type declaration

▸ (data, options): Promise<Object | Object[]>

description handle data changes.

Name Type Description
data Object | Object[] the data changes.
options RequestInit the options for the handler.

Promise<Object | Object[]>

Returns of the handler.


Ƭ RemoteReadHandler: (options: Object) => Promise<Object[]>

Type declaration

▸ (options): Promise<Object[]>

description handle reading data.

Name Type Description
options Object the options for the handler.


Returns of the handler.


Ƭ ScaleValueType: "number" | "lowestValue" | "highestValue" | "percent" | "percentile" | "automin" | "formula" | "automax"

description The scale value type.


Ƭ SliderOptions: Object

property scaleVisible - Whether the thumb can drag over tick only, default value is false.

property max - The maximum value the slider can slide to, default value is 100.

property min - The minimum value the slider can slide to, default value is 0.

property step - The granularity that the slider can step through values. Must greater than 0, and be divided by (max - min). When marks no null, step can be null, default value is 1.

property tooltipVisible - If true, tooltip will show always, or it will not show anyway, even if dragging or hovering, default value is false.

property width - The slider's width when direction is horizontal, default value is 350.

property height - The slider's height when direction is vertical, default value is 350.

property direction - The direction of slider, which accepts "horizontal", "vertical", and default value is horizontal.

property {number[]} marks - The tick mark of slider.

property formatString - The display formatter, that used to tooltip or marks.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
direction "horizontal" | "vertical" The direction of slider, which accepts "horizontal", "vertical", and default value is horizontal.
formatString string The display formatter, that used to tooltip or marks.
height number The slider's height when direction is vertical, default value is 350.
marks number[] The tick mark of slider.
max number The maximum value the slider can slide to, default value is 100.
min number The minimum value the slider can slide to, default value is 0.
scaleVisible boolean Whether the thumb can drag over tick only, default value is false.
step number The granularity that the slider can step through values. Must greater than 0, and be divided by (max - min). When marks no null, step can be null, default value is 1.
tooltipVisible boolean If true, tooltip will show always, or it will not show anyway, even if dragging or hovering, default value is false.
width number The slider's width when direction is horizontal, default value is 350.


Ƭ SpecificTextComparisonOperator: "contains" | "doesNotContain" | "beginsWith" | "endsWith"

description The specific text comparison operator.


Ƭ SpecificTextRuleOptions: Object

property {"specificTextRule"} ruleType - The rule type if you want to use specific text rule.

property comparisonOperator - The comparison operator of specific text.

property text - The specific text.

property style - The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.

property priority - The priority of the rule.

property stopIfTrue - Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
comparisonOperator SpecificTextComparisonOperator The comparison operator of specific text.
priority number The priority of the rule.
ruleType "specificTextRule" The rule type if you want to use specific text rule.
stopIfTrue boolean Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.
style StyleOptions The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.
text string The specific text.


Ƭ StateRule: Object

property direction - The state rule direction.

property state - The state.

property [area] - The rule area.

description The state rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
area? ViewArea the position where the rule takes an effect
direction StateRuleDirection the state rule direction
state RowColumnStates the formula string


Ƭ StyleOptions: Object

property {string | GC.Data.PatternFillOptions | GC.Data.GradientFillOptions | GC.Data.GradientPathFillOptions} backColor - The background color string or pattern fill options, gradient fill options, gradient path fill options.

property foreColor - The foreground color.

property hAlign - The horizontal alignment, which supports "left", "center", "right", "general".

property vAlign - The vertical alignment, which supports "top", "center", "bottom".

property font - The font.

property themeFont - The theme font.

property formatter - The formatter string.

property borderLeft - The left border.

property borderTop - The top border.

property borderRight - The right border.

property borderBottom - The bottom border.

property diagonalDown - The diagonal with LeftTop to bottomRight.

property diagonalUp - The diagonal with topRight to bottomLeft.

property locked - Whether the cell, row, or column is locked.

property textIndent - The text indent amount.

property wordWrap - Whether words wrap within the cell or cells.

property shrinkToFit - Whether content shrinks to fit the cell or cells.

property backgroundImage - The background image to display.

property {GC.Data.CheckboxOptions | GC.Data.ComboBoxOptions | GC.Data.HyperlinkOptions | GC.Data.RadioButtonCheckboxListOptions} cellType - The cell type.

property backgroundImageLayout - The layout for the background image, which supports "stretch", "center", "zoom", "none".

property tabStop - Whether the user can set focus to the cell using the Tab key.

property textDecoration - The decoration added to text.

property imeMode - The input method editor mode, which supports "auto", "active", "inactive", "disabled".

property name - The name.

property parentName - The name of the parent style.

property watermark - The watermark content.

property cellPadding - The cell padding.

property labelOptions - The cell label options.

property isVerticalText - Whether to set the cell's text vertical.

property textOrientation - The cell text rotation angle.

property showEllipsis - Whether the text out of bounds shows ellipsis.

property {GC.Data.CellButtonOptions[]} cellButtons - The cell buttons.

property {GC.Data.DropDownOptions[]} dropDowns - The drop downs.

property decoration - The decoration.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
backColor? string | PatternFillOptions | GradientFillOptions | GradientPathFillOptions The background color string or pattern fill options, gradient fill options, gradient path fill options.
backgroundImage? string The background image to display.
backgroundImageLayout? "stretch" | "center" | "zoom" | "none" The layout for the background image, which supports "stretch", "center", "zoom", "none".
borderBottom? LineBorder The bottom border.
borderLeft? LineBorder The left border.
borderRight? LineBorder The right border.
borderTop? LineBorder The top border.
cellButtons? CellButtonOptions[] The cell buttons.
cellPadding? string The cell padding.
cellType? CheckboxOptions | ComboBoxOptions | HyperlinkOptions | RadioButtonCheckboxListOptions The cell type.
decoration? Decoration The decoration.
diagonalDown? LineBorder The diagonal with LeftTop to bottomRight.
diagonalUp? LineBorder The diagonal with topRight to bottomLeft.
dropDowns? DropDownOptions[] The drop downs.
font? string The font.
foreColor? string The foreground color.
formatter? string The formatter string.
hAlign? "left" | "center" | "right" | "general" The horizontal alignment, which supports "left", "center", "right", "general".
imeMode? "auto" | "active" | "inactive" | "disabled" The input method editor mode, which supports "auto", "active", "inactive", "disabled".
isVerticalText? boolean Whether to set the cell's text vertical.
labelOptions? LabelOptions The cell label options.
locked? boolean Whether the cell, row, or column is locked.
name? string The name.
parentName? string The name of the parent style.
showEllipsis? boolean Whether the text out of bounds shows ellipsis.
shrinkToFit? boolean Whether content shrinks to fit the cell or cells.
tabStop? boolean Whether the user can set focus to the cell using the Tab key.
textDecoration? TextDecoration The decoration added to text.
textIndent? number The text indent amount.
textOrientation? number The cell text rotation angle.
themeFont? string The theme font.
vAlign? "top" | "center" | "bottom" The vertical alignment, which supports "top", "center", "bottom".
watermark? string The watermark content.
wordWrap? boolean Whether words wrap within the cell or cells.


Ƭ StyleRule: Object

property {GC.Data.FormulaRule | GC.Data.StateRule} [rule] - The style rule.

property [style] - The style rule style.

description The style rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
rule? FormulaRule | StateRule the formula rule or the state rule
style? StyleOptions the style if the rule is satisfied


Ƭ StyleRules: Object

property name - The style rule.

description The style rules.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
name StyleRule the style rule


Ƭ TextDecoration: "underline" | "lineThrough" | "overline" | "doubleUnderline" | "none" | "lineThroughUnderline" | "lineThroughDoubleUnderline"

description The text decoration.


Ƭ TextLengthString: string

description The text length type string, such as "10".


Ƭ TextLengthValidatorOptions: Object

property {"textLength"} type - The data validator type.

property comparisonOperator - The data validator comparison operator.

property {GC.Data.TextLengthString | GC.Data.FormulaString} value1 - The data validator first value.

property {GC.Data.TextLengthString | GC.Data.FormulaString} value2 - The data validator second value if validator comparison operator is "between" or "notBetween".

property ignoreBlank - Whether to ignore empty value.

property inCellDropdown - Whether to display a drop-down button.

property errorStyle - The data validator error style.

property errorTitle - The data validator error title.

property errorMessage - The data validator error message.

property showErrorMessage - Whether to show error message.

property inputMessage - The data validator input message.

property inputTitle - The data validator input title.

property showInputMessage - Whether to show input message.

property highlightStyle - The data validator highlight style.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
comparisonOperator CellValueComparisonOperator The data validator comparison operator.
errorMessage string The data validator error message.
errorStyle ErrorStyle The data validator error style.
errorTitle string The data validator error title.
highlightStyle HighlightStyle The data validator highlight style.
ignoreBlank boolean Whether to ignore empty value.
inCellDropdown boolean Whether to display a drop-down button.
inputMessage string The data validator input message.
inputTitle string The data validator input title.
showErrorMessage boolean Whether to show error message.
showInputMessage boolean Whether to show input message.
type "textLength" The data validator type.
value1 TextLengthString | FormulaString The data validator first value.
value2? TextLengthString | FormulaString The data validator second value if validator comparison operator is "between" or "notBetween".


Ƭ ThreeScaleRuleOptions: Object

property {"threeScaleRule"} ruleType - The rule type if you want to use three scale rule.

property minType - The minimum scale type.

property minValue - The minimum scale value.

property minColor - The minimum scale color string.

property midType - The midpoint scale type.

property midValue - The midpoint scale value.

property midColor - The midpoint scale color string.

property maxType - The maximum scale type.

property maxValue - The maximum scale value.

property maxColor - The maximum scale color string.

property priority - The priority of the rule.

property stopIfTrue - Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
maxColor ColorString The maximum scale color string.
maxType ScaleValueType The maximum scale type.
maxValue number The maximum scale value.
midColor ColorString The midpoint scale color string.
midType ScaleValueType The midpoint scale type.
midValue number The midpoint scale value.
minColor ColorString The minimum scale color string.
minType ScaleValueType The minimum scale type.
minValue number The minimum scale value.
priority number The priority of the rule.
ruleType "threeScaleRule" The rule type if you want to use three scale rule.
stopIfTrue boolean Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.


Ƭ TimePickerOptions: Object

property max - The maximum value the time picker can display, the value need hour, minute and second attribute.

property min - The minimum value the time picker can display, the value need hour, minute and second attribute.

property step - The granularity that the time picker can step through values.

property formatString - The format of the time item.

property height - The container of the time picker's size.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
formatString string The format of the time item.
height number The container of the time picker's size.
max TimePickerValue The maximum value the time picker can display, the value need hour, minute and second attribute.
min TimePickerValue The minimum value the time picker can display, the value need hour, minute and second attribute.
step TimePickerValue The granularity that the time picker can step through values.


Ƭ TimePickerValue: Object

property hour - The hour of the value.

property minute - The minute of the value.

property second - The second of the value.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
hour number The hour of the value.
minute number The minute of the value.
second number The second of the value.


Ƭ TimeValidatorOptions: Object

property {"time"} type - The data validator type.

property comparisonOperator - The data validator comparison operator.

property {Date | GC.Data.FormulaString} value1 - The data validator first value.

property {Date | GC.Data.FormulaString} value2 - The data validator second value if validator comparison operator is "between" or "notBetween".

property ignoreBlank - Whether to ignore empty value.

property inCellDropdown - Whether to display a drop-down button.

property errorStyle - The data validator error style.

property errorTitle - The data validator error title.

property errorMessage - The data validator error message.

property showErrorMessage - Whether to show error message.

property inputMessage - The data validator input message.

property inputTitle - The data validator input title.

property showInputMessage - Whether to show input message.

property highlightStyle - The data validator highlight style.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
comparisonOperator CellValueComparisonOperator The data validator comparison operator.
errorMessage string The data validator error message.
errorStyle ErrorStyle The data validator error style.
errorTitle string The data validator error title.
highlightStyle HighlightStyle The data validator highlight style.
ignoreBlank boolean Whether to ignore empty value.
inCellDropdown boolean Whether to display a drop-down button.
inputMessage string The data validator input message.
inputTitle string The data validator input title.
showErrorMessage boolean Whether to show error message.
showInputMessage boolean Whether to show input message.
type "time" The data validator type.
value1 Date | FormulaString The data validator first value.
value2? Date | FormulaString The data validator second value if validator comparison operator is "between" or "notBetween".


Ƭ Top10RuleOptions: Object

property {"top10Rule"} ruleType - The rule type if you want to use top-10 rule.

property type - The top-10 type.

property rank - The number of top or bottom items to apply the style to.

property style - The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.

property priority - The priority of the rule.

property stopIfTrue - Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
priority number The priority of the rule.
rank number The number of top or bottom items to apply the style to.
ruleType "top10Rule" The rule type if you want to use top-10 rule.
stopIfTrue boolean Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.
style StyleOptions The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.
type Top10Type The top-10 type.


Ƭ Top10Type: "top" | "bottom"

description The top-10 type.


Ƭ TwoScaleRuleOptions: Object

property {"twoScaleRule"} ruleType - The rule type if you want to use two scale rule.

property minType - The minimum scale type.

property minValue - The minimum scale value.

property minColor - The minimum scale color string.

property maxType - The maximum scale type.

property maxValue - The maximum scale value.

property maxColor - The maximum scale color string.

property priority - The priority of the rule.

property stopIfTrue - Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
maxColor ColorString The maximum scale color string.
maxType ScaleValueType The maximum scale type.
maxValue number The maximum scale value.
minColor ColorString The minimum scale color string.
minType ScaleValueType The minimum scale type.
minValue number The minimum scale value.
priority number The priority of the rule.
ruleType "twoScaleRule" The rule type if you want to use two scale rule.
stopIfTrue boolean Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.


Ƭ UniqueRuleOptions: Object

property {"uniqueRule"} ruleType - The rule type if you want to use unique rule.

property style - The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.

property priority - The priority of the rule.

property stopIfTrue - Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
priority number The priority of the rule.
ruleType "uniqueRule" The rule type if you want to use unique rule.
stopIfTrue boolean Whether rules with lower priority are applied before this rule.
style StyleOptions The style that is applied to the cell when the condition is met.


Ƭ ViewOptions: Object

property [defaultColumnWidth] - The default column width.

property [styleRules] - The style rules.

property [showCrossValueHeader] - mark the cross value headers are visible.

property [cross] - define the cross column options.

description The options for the view.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
cross? ICrossViewOptions define the cross column options.
defaultColumnWidth? number the default column width
showCrossValueHeader? boolean mark the cross value headers are visible.
styleRules? StyleRules the style rules


Ƭ WorkFlowItem: Object

property value - The item value.

property {number[]|string[]} transitions - The item transitions.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
transitions number[] | string[] The item transitions.
value string The item value.


Ƭ WorkFlowOptions: Object

property {GC.Data.WorkFlowItem[]} items - The items.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
items WorkFlowItem[] The items.