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Customize Sidebar

DsDataViewer allows you to modify, show, and hide the sidebar using sidebarLayout property and showSidebar method. sidebarLayout property enables customizing the sidebar layout, whereas showSidebar method shows or hides the sidebar.

Modify Sidebar Layout

  • Refer to the following example code to modify the sidebar layout to exclude the Search Panel:

    // Initialize DsDataViewer.
    var viewer = new DsDataViewer(selector, {});
    // Display an empty sidebar without the Search Panel.
    viewer.sidebarLayout = [''];


  • Refer to the following example code to modify the sidebar layout to include the Search Panel:

    // Initialize DsDataViewer.
    var viewer = new DsDataViewer(selector, {});
    // Display Search Panel.
    viewer.sidebarLayout = ['SearchPanel'];


  • Refer to the following example code to display the default sidebar layout:

    // Initialize DsDataViewer.
    var viewer = new DsDataViewer(selector, {});
    // Display default sidebar layout.
    viewer.sidebarLayout = [];


Show/Hide Sidebar

  • Refer to the following example code to show the sidebar:

    // Initialize DsDataViewer.
    var viewer = new DsDataViewer(selector, {});
    // Show sidebar.


  • Refer to the following example code to hide the sidebar:

    // Initialize DsDataViewer.
    var viewer = new DsDataViewer(selector, {});
    // Hide sidebar.
