DS.Documents.Imaging.Skia Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.Skia Namespace / GcSkiaGraphics Class / PushTransparencyLayer Method
The content bounds of the transparency layer. Content won't render outside these bounds. When set to a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the content bounds are effectively taken to be the bounds of the current GcSkiaGraphics.
An opacity value that is applied uniformly to all drawings in the layer when compositing to the backplate.

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PushTransparencyLayer Method (GcSkiaGraphics)
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Adds a transparency layer to the GcSkiaGraphics so that it receives all subsequent drawing operations until PopTransparencyLayer is called.
Public Overrides Sub PushTransparencyLayer( _
   ByVal contentBounds As System.Nullable(Of RectangleF), _
   ByVal opacity As System.Single _


The content bounds of the transparency layer. Content won't render outside these bounds. When set to a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the content bounds are effectively taken to be the bounds of the current GcSkiaGraphics.
An opacity value that is applied uniformly to all drawings in the layer when compositing to the backplate.
See Also