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SplitAndBalanceRef Method

SplitAndBalanceRef(PageSplitArea[], TextSplitOptions, ref TextLayout)

Fits all or the first portion of the current text layout into one or more layout areas (such as page columns). If the whole text did not fit into the provided areas, the rest is moved into a new TextLayout instance specified by the output parameter rest.

If the whole text fits in the specified areas (i.e. rest is empty), the content is equally distributed between all areas, which in the case of page columns results in columns of equal height (balanced).

For details on why providing a reference to an existing TextLayout may be beneficial, see the remarks on the SplitRef(TextSplitOptions, ref TextLayout) method.
public SplitResult SplitAndBalanceRef(PageSplitArea[] pageAreas, TextSplitOptions splitOptions, ref TextLayout rest)
Public Function SplitAndBalanceRef(pageAreas As PageSplitArea(), splitOptions As TextSplitOptions, ByRef rest As TextLayout) As SplitResult
Type Name Description
PageSplitArea[] pageAreas

The array of additional page areas that can be used to layout the text.

TextSplitOptions splitOptions

Options controlling how text is split.

TextLayout rest

Recipient for the text that did not fit in the current bounds and additional areas. If null, a new instance will be created and assigned to this parameter. If non-null, that TextLayout instance will be filled with the text that did not fit. When rendering large blocks of text, this improves performance by avoiding the need to initialize a new instance of a TextLayout for each split.

Type Description

A value indicating the result of splitting the current text layout.

See Also