Line breaking classes of the Unicode characters.
public enum LineBreakingClass : byte
Public Enum LineBreakingClass As Byte
Name | Description |
AI | Ambiguous (Alphabetic or Ideographic) |
AL | Alphabetic |
B2 | Break Opportunity Before and After |
BA | Break After |
BB | Break Before |
BK | Mandatory Break |
CB | Contingent Break Opportunity |
CJ | Conditional Japanese Starter |
CL | Close Punctuation |
CM | Combining Mark |
CP | Close Parenthesis |
CR | Carriage Return |
EB | Emoji Base |
EM | Emoji Modifier |
EX | Exclamation/Interrogation |
GL | Non-breaking (“Glue”) |
H2 | Hangul LV Syllable |
H3 | Hangul LVT Syllable |
HL | Hebrew Letter |
HY | Hyphen |
ID | Ideographic |
IN | Inseparable |
IS | Infix Numeric Separator |
JL | Hangul L Jamo |
JT | Hangul T Jamo |
JV | Hangul V Jamo |
LF | Line Feed |
NL | Next Line |
NS | Nonstarter |
NU | Numeric |
OP | Open Punctuation |
PO | Postfix Numeric |
PR | Prefix Numeric |
QU | Quotation |
RI | Regional Indicator |
SA | Complex Context Dependent (South East Asian) |
SG | Surrogate |
SP | Space |
SY | Symbols Allowing Break After |
WJ | Word Joiner |
XX | Unknown |
ZW | Zero Width Space |
ZWJ | Zero Width Joiner |