Various flags describing the font.
public enum FontFlags
Public Enum FontFlags
Name | Description |
Bold | Characters are emboldened. |
BoldItalic | Bit mask for Bold and Italic flags. |
CannotEmbed | Indicates if the font is prohibited for embedding. |
CannotSubset | Indicates if the font can not be serialized as a subset of the source font data. |
Collection | Indicates if the font was loaded from .ttc or .otc font collection. |
Compressed | Indicates if the font is in WOFF format. |
DisableHinting | Prevents executing TrueType instructions. |
FixedPitch | False if the font is proportionally spaced, True if the font is not proportionally spaced (i.e. monospaced). |
HasMathTable | For internal use only. |
Hollow | Hollow (outlined) characters, otherwise they are solid. |
Italic | Font contains italic or oblique characters, otherwise they are upright. |
ItalicOrOblique | Bit mask for Italic and Oblique flags. |
LastResort | If set, indicates that the glyphs encoded in the cmap subtables are simply generic symbolic representations of code point ranges and don’t truly represent support for those code points. |
LongOffsets | For internal use only. |
Negative | Characters have their foreground and background reversed. |
NoBitmapCache | Prevents using bitmap glyph cache and OpenType embedded bitmaps. |
NoGlyphInstructions | Indicates if the TrueType font has no glyph instructions. |
None | No flags are set. |
Oblique | Font contains oblique characters. |
PermissionToEmbedGranted | Indicates that the developer of the software has obtained explicit permission from the legal owner of the font to embed it in documents produced by the software. |
PostScript | Indicates if the font contains PostScript outlines. |
RequiredTables | For internal use only. |
Strikeout | Characters are overstruck. |
Underscore | Characters are underscored. |
Vertical | Gets a value indicating if this is a vertical font. |