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AddShadow Method

AddShadow(int, int, Color?, Color, float, int)

Creates a new bitmap by adding a shadow to text and graphics on the current image. The shadow shows only where the pixels of the current image are transparent or semi-transparent.

public GcBitmap AddShadow(int xOffset, int yOffset, Color? backColor, Color shadowColor, float shadowOpacity = 0.6, int gaussianBlurRadius = 9)
Public Function AddShadow(xOffset As Integer, yOffset As Integer, backColor As Color?, shadowColor As Color, Optional shadowOpacity As Single = 0.6, Optional gaussianBlurRadius As Integer = 9) As GcBitmap
Type Name Description
int xOffset

The horizontal offset of the shadow, in pixels.

int yOffset

The vertical offset of the shadow, in pixels.

Color? backColor

The optional background color of the resulting image.

Color shadowColor

The shadow color.

float shadowOpacity

The shadow opacity, from 0 to 1.

int gaussianBlurRadius

The shadow blur radius, in pixels.

Type Description

A GcBitmap with the added shadow.