Provides methods for drawing on a GcBitmap.
public class BitmapRenderer
Public Class BitmapRenderer
Name | Description |
Aliased | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the graphic objects are drawn without anti-aliasing. |
BackgroundBitmap | Gets or sets a bitmap providing background for all drawing and filling operations. The same bitmap cannot be used as background and target at the same time. The background bitmap must be of the same pixel size as the target bitmap. |
BackgroundBitmapContainsUnmodifiedImage | Gets or sets a value indicating that copying pixels from the BackgroundBitmap to the target bitmap should not be marked as changed in the UpdatedPixelMask. The default is false, indicating that pixels copied from the background bitmap to the target are marked as changed. |
Bitmap | Gets the target bitmap. |
BlendMode | Gets or sets the method of mixing source and destination colors when drawing. Default is Normal. |
ClipRect | Gets or sets a rectangle, in pixels, to which all subsequent drawing operations are clipped. |
ClipRegion | Gets or sets a region to which the subsequient drawing operations are clipped. |
ForceAntialiasingForText | Gets or sets a value specifying whether a TextLayout is always drawn with antialiasing regardless the value of the Aliased property. |
InterpolationMode | Gets or sets the sampling mode to use when drawing bitmaps with resizing. Default is Linear. |
Multithreaded | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the rendering engine uses multiple threads to boost performance. |
SlowAntialiasing | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the antialiasing algorithm should produce better quality with lower speed. |
Transform | Gets or sets the world transformation matrix. |
TransformInverse | Gets or sets the inverted world transformation matrix. Used for filling regions with gradient brushes. TransformInverse is automatically updated when the Transform property is changed. |
TransparencyMaskBitmap | Gets or sets a grayscale bitmap providing transparency mask for all drawing and filling operations. Pixels in the mask with value 0 are fully opaque and will completely mask any drawing (i.e. the pixels of the target bitmap will remain unchanged). Pixels in the mask with value 255 are fully transparent, i.e. any drawing will have the same effect as if there was no mask. Pixels with values between 0 and 255 will modify the transparency of the pixels being drawn according to their value. Note that the transparency mask bitmap must be of the same pixel size as the target bitmap. |
UpdatedPixelMask | Gets or sets a BilevelBitmap that can be used to monitor changes in the target bitmap. Its pixels are used as boolean flags indicating changes in the target. When a pixel in the target bitmap is changed, the corresponding pixel in this bitmap is set to 1 (true). The BilevelBitmap must have the same pixel size as the target bitmap. It is user's responsibility to clear this bitmap (fill it with zeros) before any drawing on the target occurs. |
Name | Description |
Clear(Color) | Clears the image with the specified color. |
Clear(uint) | Clears the image with the specified color. |
DrawBitmap(GcBitmap, RectangleF, float) | Draws a Bitmap at the specified location and with the specified size. |
DrawTextLayout(TextLayout, float, float) | Draws a TextLayout at the given location. |
FillPath(GraphicsPath, Brush) | Fills a GraphicsPath with the given brush. |
FillPath(GraphicsPath, Brush, RectangleF) | Fills a GraphicsPath with the given brush. |
FillPath(GraphicsPath, Color) | Fills a GraphicsPath with a solid color. |
FillPath(GraphicsPath, uint) | Fills a GraphicsPath with a solid color. |
FillRegion(Region, Brush) | Fills a Region with the given brush. |
FillRegion(Region, Brush, RectangleF) | Fills a Region with the given brush. |
FillRegion(Region, Color) | Fills a Region with a solid color. |
FillRegion(Region, uint) | Fills a Region with a solid color. |