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FillRoundRect Method

FillRoundRect(RectangleF, float, Brush, RectangleF?, Matrix3x2?)

Fills a rounded rectangle using a specified brush.

public void FillRoundRect(RectangleF bounds, float radius, Brush brush, RectangleF? brushBounds = null, Matrix3x2? brushTransform = null)
Public Sub FillRoundRect(bounds As RectangleF, radius As Single, brush As Brush, Optional brushBounds As RectangleF? = Nothing, Optional brushTransform As Matrix3x2? = Nothing)
Type Name Description
RectangleF bounds

A RectangleF structure that represents the rectangle to fill.

float radius

The radius for the quarter ellipse that is drawn to replace every corner of the rectangle.

Brush brush

The brush to use.

RectangleF? brushBounds

The optional bounds for a gradient brush.

Matrix3x2? brushTransform

The transformation applied to the brush.

FillRoundRect(RectangleF, float, float, Brush, RectangleF?, Matrix3x2?)

Fills a rounded rectangle using a specified brush.

public void FillRoundRect(RectangleF bounds, float radiusX, float radiusY, Brush brush, RectangleF? brushBounds = null, Matrix3x2? brushTransform = null)
Public Sub FillRoundRect(bounds As RectangleF, radiusX As Single, radiusY As Single, brush As Brush, Optional brushBounds As RectangleF? = Nothing, Optional brushTransform As Matrix3x2? = Nothing)
Type Name Description
RectangleF bounds

A RectangleF structure that represents the rectangle to fill.

float radiusX

The x-radius for the quarter ellipse that is drawn to replace every corner of the rectangle.

float radiusY

The y-radius for the quarter ellipse that is drawn to replace every corner of the rectangle.

Brush brush

The brush to use.

RectangleF? brushBounds

The optional bounds for a gradient brush.

Matrix3x2? brushTransform

The transformation applied to the brush.

FillRoundRect(RectangleF, float, Color)

Fills a rounded rectangle witih a solid color.

public void FillRoundRect(RectangleF bounds, float radius, Color color)
Public Sub FillRoundRect(bounds As RectangleF, radius As Single, color As Color)
Type Name Description
RectangleF bounds

A RectangleF structure that represents the rectangle to fill.

float radius

The radius for the quarter ellipse that is drawn to replace every corner of the rectangle.

Color color

The fill color.

FillRoundRect(RectangleF, float, float, Color)

Fills a rounded rectangle witih a solid color.

public void FillRoundRect(RectangleF bounds, float radiusX, float radiusY, Color color)
Public Sub FillRoundRect(bounds As RectangleF, radiusX As Single, radiusY As Single, color As Color)
Type Name Description
RectangleF bounds

A RectangleF structure that represents the rectangle to fill.

float radiusX

The x-radius for the quarter ellipse that is drawn to replace every corner of the rectangle.

float radiusY

The y-radius for the quarter ellipse that is drawn to replace every corner of the rectangle.

Color color

The fill color.