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FillEllipse Method

FillEllipse(RectangleF, Brush, RectangleF?, Matrix3x2?)

Fills an ellipse with a specified brush.

public void FillEllipse(RectangleF bounds, Brush brush, RectangleF? brushBounds = null, Matrix3x2? brushTransform = null)
Public Sub FillEllipse(bounds As RectangleF, brush As Brush, Optional brushBounds As RectangleF? = Nothing, Optional brushTransform As Matrix3x2? = Nothing)
Type Name Description
RectangleF bounds

A RectangleF structure that specifies the ellipse to fill.

Brush brush

The fill brush.

RectangleF? brushBounds

The optional bounds for a gradient brush.

Matrix3x2? brushTransform

The transformation applied to the brush.

FillEllipse(RectangleF, Color)

Fills an ellipse with a specified solid color.

public void FillEllipse(RectangleF bounds, Color color)
Public Sub FillEllipse(bounds As RectangleF, color As Color)
Type Name Description
RectangleF bounds

A RectangleF structure that specifies the ellipse to fill.

Color color

The fill color.