PDF417 barcode is a popular high-density, two-dimensional barcode with symbology that possesses the capability to encode up to 1108 bytes of information. This barcode comprises a stacked set of small barcodes and can encode up to 35 alphanumeric characters and 2,710 numeric characters. It is a stacked linear barcode format which is used in a variety of applications such as transport, identification cards, and inventory management.
The below image displays PDF417 barcode in a PDF document.
You can set PDF417 in a worksheet using the following formula:
=BC_PDF417(value, color, backgroudColor, errorCorrectionLevel, rows, columns, compact, quietZoneLeft, quietZoneRight, quietZoneTop, quietZoneBottom)
Name | Description |
value | A string that represents encode on the symbol of PDF417. |
color | A color that represents the barcode color. The default value is 'rgb(0,0,0)'. |
backgroundColor | A color that represents the barcode backgroundcolor. The default value is 'rgb(255, 255, 255)' |
errorCorrectionLevel | A string that represents the error correction level of PDF417. It has 'auto|0-8' values. The default value is 'auto'. |
rows | A value that specifies the number of rows in the symbol. It has 'auto |
columns | A value that specifies the number of columns in the symbol. It has 'auto |
compact | Specifies whether it is a compact PDF417. The default value is 'false'. |
quietZoneLeft | A value that represents the size of left quiet zone. |
quietZoneRight | A value that represents the size of right quiet zone. |
quietZoneTop | A value that represents the size of top quiet zone. |
quietZoneBottom | A value that represents the size of bottom quiet zone. |
This example code sets PDF417 in the worksheet.
// Create a new workbook
var workbook = new GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook();
// Set worksheet layout and data
IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
worksheet.Range["B:C"].ColumnWidth = 12;
worksheet.Range["D:F"].ColumnWidth = 30;
worksheet.Range["4:7"].RowHeight = 60;
worksheet.Range["A:A"].ColumnWidth = 5;
worksheet.Range["B2"].Value = "PDF417";
worksheet.Range["B3:F3"].Value = new object[,]{
{"Server", "Data", "Defult", "Customer Padding", "Customer Columns Count"}
worksheet.Range["B4:C7"].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
worksheet.Range["B4:C7"].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
worksheet.Range["B2:F3"].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
worksheet.Range["B2:F3"].VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
worksheet.Range["B4:C7"].Value = new object[,]
{"Police", "911"},
{"Telephone Directory Assistance", "411"},
{ "Non-emergency Municipal Services", "311"},
{"Travel Info Call 511", "511"}
worksheet.Range["B4:B7"].WrapText = true;
worksheet.PageSetup.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;
worksheet.PageSetup.PrintGridlines = true;
// Set formula
for (var i = 4; i < 8; i++)
var value = "CONCAT(B" + i + ",\":\",C" + i + ")";
worksheet.Range["D" + i].Formula = "=BC_PDF417" + "(" + value + ")";
worksheet.Range["E" + i].Formula = "=BC_PDF417" + "(" + value + ", , , , , , , 0, 10, 5, 5)";
worksheet.Range["F" + i].Formula = "=BC_PDF417" + "(" + value + ", , , , , 5)";
// Save to a pdf file