For a list of all members of this type, see FlexViewer members.
| Name | Description |
 | Add | (Inherited from UIKit.UIView) |
 | AddObserver | Overloaded. (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | AddSubviews | (Inherited from UIKit.UIView) |
 | AwakeFromNib | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | BeginInvokeOnMainThread | Overloaded. (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | CloseDocument | Clears the document, removing all content and resetting all properties and settings to their initial default values. |
 | ConformsToProtocol | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | DangerousAutorelease | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | DangerousRelease | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | DangerousRetain | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | Dispose | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | Equals | Overloaded. (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | GetActiveSearchItem | Gets the current active search item. Return null if no item is actived. |
 | GetEnumerator | (Inherited from UIKit.UIView) |
 | GetHashCode | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | GetNativeField | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | GetVisiblePageNumbers | Returns numbers of pages which are currently visible in the viewport. |
 | Init | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | Invoke | Overloaded. (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | InvokeOnMainThread | Overloaded. (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | LoadDocument | Loads document to the viewer |
 | Next | Get next search item. Return null if not found. |
 | Previous | Get previous search item. Return null if not found. |
 | Refresh | Refresh layout and data of flexviewer. |
 | ResetSearch | Stops the search mode and removes highlighting from the found text fragments. |
 | Save | Overloaded. Saves the current PDF document to a file. |
 | SaveAsBmp | Saves the document pages as images in BMP format, one page per output file. The fileName parameter is used as a .NET format string, with current page number (1-based) passed to it as the value to be formatted. Note that if fileName does not contain a format item (such as "{0}"), all pages will be saved into the same file name, the last page overwriting everything else. |
 | SaveAsGif | Saves the document pages as images in GIF format, one page per output file. The fileName parameter is used as a .NET format string, with current page number (1-based) passed to it as the value to be formatted. Note that if fileName does not contain a format item (such as "{0}"), all pages will be saved into the same file name, the last page overwriting everything else. |
 | SaveAsJpeg | Saves the document pages as images in JPEG format, one page per output file. The fileName parameter is used as a .NET format string, with current page number (1-based) passed to it as the value to be formatted. Note that if fileName does not contain a format item (such as "{0}"), all pages will be saved into the same file name, the last page overwriting everything else. |
 | SaveAsPng | Saves the document pages as images in PNG format, one page per output file. The fileName parameter is used as a .NET format string, with current page number (1-based) passed to it as the value to be formatted. Note that if fileName does not contain a format item (such as "{0}"), all pages will be saved into the same file name, the last page overwriting everything else. |
 | SaveAsTiff | Overloaded. Saves the document pages as images to a stream in TIFF format, one page per frame. |
 | SearchText | Starts searching text with specified parameters |
 | SetNativeField | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | SetValueForKeyPath | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | ShowPrintDialog | Shows the print dialog |
 | ToString | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
| Name | Description |
 | GetImage | Get the byte array of the control image. This byte array comes from a UIImagePNGRepresentation in iOS, TrueColorAlpha of PNG format in WP, Bitmap in Android. |