Name | Description | |
C1MaskedTextField Constructor | Overloaded. |
The following tables list the members exposed by C1MaskedTextField.
Name | Description | |
C1MaskedTextField Constructor | Overloaded. |
Name | Description | |
FlowDirectionProperty | Identifies the FlowDirection dependency property. | |
FontAttributesProperty | Identifies the FontAttributes dependency property. | |
FontFamilyProperty | Identifies the FontFamily dependency property. | |
FontSizeProperty | Identifies the FontSize dependency property. | |
KeyboardTypeProperty | Identifies the KeyboardType dependency property. | |
MaskProperty | Identifies the Mask dependency property. | |
PlaceholderColorProperty | Identifies the PlaceholderColor dependency property. | |
PlaceholderProperty | Identifies the Placeholder dependency property. | |
PromptCharProperty | Identifies the PromptChar dependency property. | |
SecureTextEntryProperty | Identifies the SecureTextEntry dependency property. | |
ShowClearButtonProperty | Identifies the ShowClearButton dependency property. | |
TextAlignmentProperty | Identifies the TextAlignment dependency property. | |
TextColorProperty | Identifies the TextColor dependency property. | |
TextProperty | Inentifies the Text dependency property. | |
ValueProperty | Identifies the Value dependency property. |
Name | Description | |
ClassHandle | (Inherited from UIKit.UITextField) | |
FlowDirection | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether that content should flow. | |
FontAttributes | Gets or sets the attributes of the font. | |
FontFamily | Gets or sets the family of the font. | |
FontSize | Gets or sets the size of the font. | |
Handle | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
Insets | Gets or sets the padding applied to the displayed text. (Inherited from C1.iOS.Core.C1TextField) | |
KeyboardType | Overridden. Gets or sets the keyboard type. | |
KeyCommands | (Inherited from C1.iOS.Core.C1TextField) | |
Mask | Gets or sets the mask used to validate input as the user types. The mask must be a string composed of one or more of the masking elements. | |
MaskCompleted | Gets or sets a value indicating whether show clear button. | |
MaskFull | Gets a value that indicates whether the mask has been completely filled. | |
Placeholder | Overridden. Gets or sets the Placeholder of the control. | |
PlaceholderColor | Gets or sets the color of the Placeholder in the control. | |
PromptChar | Gets or sets the symbol used to show input positions in the control. | |
SecureTextEntry | Overridden. Gets or sets the sercure text entry type. | |
ShouldBeginEditing | (Inherited from UIKit.UITextField) | |
ShouldChangeCharacters | (Inherited from UIKit.UITextField) | |
ShouldClear | (Inherited from UIKit.UITextField) | |
ShouldEndEditing | (Inherited from UIKit.UITextField) | |
ShouldReturn | (Inherited from UIKit.UITextField) | |
ShowClearButton | Gets or sets a value indicating whether show clear button. | |
Site | ||
SuperHandle | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
Text | Overridden. Gets or sets the text in the control. | |
TextAlignment | Overridden. Gets or sets the alignment of the text. | |
Value | Gets or sets the raw value of the control (excluding prompt and mask literals) |
Name | Description | |
Add | (Inherited from UIKit.UIView) | |
AddObserver | Overloaded. (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
AddSubviews | (Inherited from UIKit.UIView) | |
AddTarget | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
AwakeFromNib | Overridden. Called after the object has been loaded from the nib file. Overriders must call base.AwakeFromNib(). | |
BeginInvokeOnMainThread | Overloaded. (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
ConformsToProtocol | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
Cut | Overridden. Indicates a "Cut" editing operation. | |
DangerousAutorelease | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
DangerousRelease | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
DangerousRetain | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
Dispose | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
DrawPlaceholder | Overridden. Draw placeholder string. | |
Equals | Overloaded. (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
GetEnumerator | (Inherited from UIKit.UIView) | |
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
GetNativeField | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
Init | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
Invoke | Overloaded. (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
InvokeOnMainThread | Overloaded. (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
LayoutSubviews | Overridden. Lays out subviews. | |
RemoveTarget | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
SetNativeField | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
SetValueForKeyPath | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
ToString | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) | |
UpdateLayoutDirection |
Name | Description | |
GetImage | Get the byte array of the control image. This byte array comes from a UIImagePNGRepresentation in iOS, TrueColorAlpha of PNG format in WP, Bitmap in Android. |
Name | Description | |
AllEditingEvents | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
AllEvents | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
AllTouchEvents | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
AnimationWillEnd | (Inherited from UIKit.UIView) | |
AnimationWillStart | (Inherited from UIKit.UIView) | |
Completed | Occurs when the user finalizes the text in an entry with the return key. | |
Disposed | ||
EditingChanged | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
EditingDidBegin | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
EditingDidEnd | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
EditingDidEndOnExit | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
Ended | (Inherited from UIKit.UITextField) | |
KeyDown | This event is raised when up, down, or enter keys are hit, or either when the cursor is at the beginning and left is hit or when the cursor is at the end and right is hit. (Inherited from C1.iOS.Core.C1TextField) | |
Started | (Inherited from UIKit.UITextField) | |
TextChanged | Event raised when the text property changed. | |
TouchCancel | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
TouchDown | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
TouchDownRepeat | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
TouchDragEnter | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
TouchDragExit | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
TouchDragInside | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
TouchDragOutside | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
TouchUpInside | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
TouchUpOutside | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) | |
ValueChanged | (Inherited from UIKit.UIControl) |