GridLength Structure Members
In This Topic
The following tables list the members exposed by GridLength.
Public Constructors
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
| Auto | A ready to reuse GridLength of GridUnitType.Auto. |
| GridUnitType | Gets the GridUnitType of the GridLength |
| IsAbsolute | Gets whether or not the GridUnitType of the GridLength is GridUnitType.Absolute. |
| IsAuto | Gets whether or not the GridUnitType of the GridLength is GridUnitType.Auto. |
| IsStar | Gets a value that indicates whether the GridUnitType of the GridLength is GridUnitType.Star. |
| Star | A ready to reuse GridLength of GridUnitType.Star with a Value of 1. |
| Value | Gets the Value of the GridLength. |
Public Methods
Public Operators
See Also