| Name | Description |
 | ActiveEditor | Gets the cell editor that is currently active. |
 | AllowDragging | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether users are allowed to move rows and columns to new positions. |
 | AllowMerging | Gets or sets a value that indicates which parts of the grid support cell merging. |
 | AllowRefreshing | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid can be refreshed by pulling. |
 | AllowResizing | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether users are allowed to resize rows and columns. |
 | BorderColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint the border. |
 | BorderWidth | Gets or sets the width of the border. |
 | CanBecomeFirstResponder | Overridden. |
 | CellFactory | Gets or sets the factory of cells. |
 | CellPadding | Gets or sets the cell padding. |
 | ClassHandle | (Inherited from UIKit.UIView) |
 | ColumnHeaderBackgroundColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor of the column header background. |
 | ColumnHeaderFont | Gets or sets the font applied to column headers. |
 | ColumnHeaderGridLinesVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates which grid lines separating column header cells are shown. |
 | ColumnHeaderSelectedBackgroundColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint column header background for selected cells. |
 | ColumnHeaderSelectedTextColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint column header text for selected cells. |
 | ColumnHeaderTextColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor of the column header text and glyphs. |
 | CursorBackgroundColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint the background of cursor cell. |
 | CursorRange | Gets the GridCellRange that corresponds to the cursor cell. |
 | CursorTextColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint the text of cursor cell. |
 | DefaultColumnHeadersRowHeight | Gets or sets the default height of the rows used to display column headers. |
 | EditorBackgroundColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint the background of cells in edit mode. |
 | EditorRange | Gets the GridCellRange that corresponds to the cell currently being edited. |
 | EditorTextColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint the foreground of cells in edit mode. |
 | Font | Gets or sets the font applied to normal cells. |
 | FrozenColumns | Gets or sets the number of frozen columns. |
 | FrozenLinesColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint the lines between frozen and scrollable areas of the grid. |
 | FrozenRows | Gets or sets the number of frozen rows. |
 | GridLinesColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint the lines between cells. |
 | GridLinesVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates which grid lines separating inner cells are shown. |
 | GridLinesWidth | Gets or sets the width of the lines between cells. |
 | Handle | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | HeaderGridLinesColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint the lines between row and column header cells. |
 | HeadersGridLinesVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates which grid lines separating header cells are shown. |
 | HeadersVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates the visibility of row and column headers. |
 | IntrinsicContentSize | Overridden. |
 | IsAnimated | Gets or sets whether the control is animated during navigation. |
 | IsReadOnly | Gets or sets a value to determine whether the grid is read-only. |
 | KeyActionEnter | Gets or sets the action to perform when the Enter key is pressed. |
 | KeyActionTab | Gets or sets the action to perform when the Tab key is pressed. |
 | KeyCommands | Overridden. |
 | MergeManager | Gets or sets the merge manager. |
 | RowBackgroundColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint row backgrounds. |
 | RowHeaderBackgroundColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor of the row header background. |
 | RowHeaderFont | Gets or sets the font applied to row header. |
 | RowHeaderGridLinesVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates which grid lines separating row header cells are shown. |
 | RowHeaderSelectedBackgroundColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint row header background for selected cells. |
 | RowHeaderSelectedTextColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint row header text for selected cells. |
 | RowHeaderTextColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor of the row header text and glyphs. |
 | RowTextColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint the text color of rows. |
 | ScrollPosition | Gets or sets the scroll position. |
 | Selection | Gets or sets the current selection. |
 | SelectionAdornerBorderColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor of the selection adorner border. |
 | SelectionAdornerColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor of the selection adorner. |
 | SelectionBackgroundColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint the background of selected cells. |
 | SelectionMode | Gets or sets how the cells or rows are selected. |
 | SelectionTextColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor of the selected text. |
 | ShowMarquee | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid shows an Excel-style marquee around the current selection. |
 | ShowSelectionMenu | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the grid shows menu when select rows or cells. |
 | Site | IComponent Site |
 | SuperHandle | (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject) |
 | TextColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor of the text and glyphs. |
 | TopLeftCellBackgroundColor | Gets or sets the UIKit.UIColor that is used to paint the background of the cell at the left top corner of the grid. |
 | TopLeftHeaderGridLinesVisibility | Gets or sets a value that indicates which grid lines separating top-left header cells are shown. |
 | UpdateAnimation | Gets an object containing the animation settings that will be applied when updating cells. |
 | ViewRange | Gets a GridCellRange value that indicates the range of cells currently visible on the grid. |
 | ZoomMode | Gets or sets the zoom mode. |