In This Topic
This section contains information about all the new features, enhancements, and breaking changes in Xamarin for iOS since 2018 v3 release.
General |
- Added MyBI sample project.
Core |
Bug Fix
- C1Border re-implemented to reduce layers blending.
Calendar |
Bug Fix
- Fixed a potential memory leak on iOS platform.
FlexChart |
- Added FlexChart and FlexPie data label auto arrange functions.
- Added Step, StepArea, StepSymbols, and TreeMap chart types for FlexChart.
- Added TreeMap sample for FlexChart101.
Bug Fixes
- Setting e.PlotElement.Color within SymbolRendered/SymbolRendering event now takes effect.
- Fixed an issue where the LineMarker content became undraggable.
- Fixed an issue where border lines of data label were displayed even though DataLabel Border was set to FALSE and StrokeThickeness was set to zero.
- Fixed an issue where the update animation did not work on updating the chart by adding or removing chart values.
- Fixed System.NullReferenceException that occurred if e.PlotElement property setting was done within SymbolRendered event.
- Axis labels are now shown inside plot area when setting AxisX/Y LabelAngle.
- The properties set from Properties window will now take effect on runtime.
FlexGrid |
- Added Style (Default, Classic) property.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed layout of column header cells.
- Fixed the issues where ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurred after all check boxes in one group were checked/unchecked quickly in multiple level grouped FlexGrid.
- Fixed the issues of dragging columns and rows rendering.
- Fixed an issue where layout did not display correctly on displaying grid inside auto-sized panel and using auto-sized columns.
- Collapsed groups are no longer expanded after editing cell in one expanded group is completed.
- Fixed an issue where FullTextFilterBehavior was not filtering the text set in the FilterEntry when attached.
- Fixed a potential memory leak on iOS platform.
Input |
Bug Fixes
- Both CloseButton types 'Cancel' and 'CrossButton' are shown in Editable controls at FullScreenMode.
- Close button did not show in Calendar dropdown when ShowCloseButton was set to True in iPad Simulator/Device.
- Fixed a potential memory leak on iOS platform.
- CloseButton ('Cancel') is shown in FullScreenMode when set IsEditable to False in control on iOS.
- System.InvalidOperationException is no longer thrown on tapping header portion of controls in Force Above/Below Mode on iOS.
- [Combobox] ArgumentNullException no longer occurs if Return key (from hardware keyboard) is pressed after typing input while ItemSource set to Null on iOS.