Name | Description | |
AutoSizeColumn | Resizes a column to fit their visible content. | |
AutoSizeColumns | Resizes a column range to fit their visible content. | |
AutoSizeRow | Resizes a row to fit their visible contents. | |
AutoSizeRows | Resizes a row range to fit their visible contents. | |
BatchBegin | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) | |
BatchCommit | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) | |
ChangeView | Changes the scroll and zoom of the grid to the specified part of the viewport. (Inherited from C1.Xamarin.Forms.Grid.GridBase) | |
ClearValue | Overloaded. (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject) | |
CollapseGroups | Collapses the groups. | |
Copy | Copy the current selection to the clipboard. (Inherited from C1.Xamarin.Forms.Grid.GridBase) | |
Cut | Cut the current selection and copy to the clipboard. (Inherited from C1.Xamarin.Forms.Grid.GridBase) | |
Dispose | Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. (Inherited from C1.Xamarin.Forms.Grid.GridBase) | |
FindByName | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) | |
FinishEditing | Commits or cancels any pending edits and exits edit mode. (Inherited from C1.Xamarin.Forms.Grid.GridBase) | |
FinishRowEditing | Finishes the row editing. | |
Focus | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) | |
GetCellText | Overloaded. Gets the text corresponding to the cell in the specified range. | |
GetCellValue | Overloaded. Gets the value corresponding to the cell in the specified range. | |
GetChildElements | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.View) | |
GetSelectedState | Gets a GridSelectedState value that indicates the selected state of the cells in a specified column and row. (Inherited from C1.Xamarin.Forms.Grid.GridBase) | |
GetValue | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject) | |
IsSet | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject) | |
Layout | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) | |
Measure | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) | |
Paste | Pastes the content of the clipboard to the grid. (Inherited from C1.Xamarin.Forms.Grid.GridBase) | |
Refresh | Overloaded. Recreates all the cells. (Inherited from C1.Xamarin.Forms.Grid.GridBase) | |
RemoveBinding | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject) | |
RemoveDynamicResource | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) | |
Save | Overloaded. Saves the contents of the grid to a file. | |
ScrollIntoView | Overloaded. Scrolls the grid to bring a specific cell into view. (Inherited from C1.Xamarin.Forms.Grid.GridBase) | |
Select | Selects a given cell and optionally scrolls it into view. (Inherited from C1.Xamarin.Forms.Grid.GridBase) | |
SelectAll | Selects all the cells. (Inherited from C1.Xamarin.Forms.Grid.GridBase) | |
SetBinding | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject) | |
SetCellValue | Overloaded. Sets the value corresponding to the cell in the specified range. | |
SetCursor | Sets the cursor of the grid to the specified row and column. (Inherited from C1.Xamarin.Forms.Grid.GridBase) | |
SetDynamicResource | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.Element) | |
SetValue | Overloaded. (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject) | |
StartEditing | Overridden. Starts editing a specific cell. | |
StartEditingAsync | Starts the editing of the specified cell asynchronously. | |
Unfocus | (Inherited from Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement) |