| Name | Description |
 | AccessibilityClassName | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | AccessibilityClassNameFormatted | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | AccessibilityLiveRegion | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | AccessibilityNodeProvider | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | AccessibilityTraversalAfter | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | AccessibilityTraversalBefore | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Activated | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Alpha | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | AlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | Animation | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | AnimationCacheEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | ApplicationWindowToken | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ApplyWindowInsets | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | AutoClose |
Gets or sets auto closes the drop when the user hits outside it.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | AutoComplete |
Gets or sets whether the control should try to automatically complete entries using the list of items.
 | AutofillId | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | AutofillType | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | AutofillValue | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Background | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | BackgroundTintList | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | BackgroundTintMode | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Baseline | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | BaselineAligned | (Inherited from Android.Widget.LinearLayout) |
 | BaselineAlignedChildIndex | (Inherited from Android.Widget.LinearLayout) |
 | Bottom | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ButtonBackgroundColor |
Gets or sets the background of the button.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | ButtonColor |
Gets or sets the color of the button content.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | CameraDistance | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ChildCount | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | Class | (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object) |
 | Clickable | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ClipBounds | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ClipChildren | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | ClipToOutline | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ClipToPadding | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | CloseButtonBackgroundColor |
Gets or sets the background of the close button.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | CloseButtonTextColor |
Gets or sets the color of the close button text.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | ContentDescription | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ContentDescriptionFormatted | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Context | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ContextClickable | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | DataCollection |
Gets the underlying collection.
 | DefaultFocusHighlightEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | DescendantFocusability | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | Display | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | DisplayMemberPath |
Gets or sets the name of the property to use as the visual representation of the items.
 | DividerDrawable | (Inherited from Android.Widget.LinearLayout) |
 | DividerPadding | (Inherited from Android.Widget.LinearLayout) |
 | DrawingCache | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | DrawingCacheBackgroundColor | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | DrawingCacheEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | DrawingCacheQuality | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | DrawingTime | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | DropDown |
Gets or sets the drop-down view.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | DropDownBackgroundColor |
Gets or sets the color of the drop-down.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | DropDownBehavior |
Gets or sets the drop-down behavior.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | DropDownBorderColor |
Gets or sets the color of the drop-down border.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | DropDownBorderWidth |
Gets or sets the width of the drop-down border.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | DropDownHeight |
Gets or sets the height of the drop-down object.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | DropDownMode |
Gets or sets the mode that the DropDown uses to display the DropDownView.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | DropDownWidth |
Gets or sets the width of the drop-down object.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | DuplicateParentStateEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | EditableHeader |
Gets or sets the editable header view.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | EditableHeaderBackgroundColor |
Gets or sets the background color for the editable header.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | Elevation | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Enabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | FilterTouchesWhenObscured | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | FitsSystemWindows | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | FlowDirection |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether that content should flow.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | Focusable | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | FocusableInTouchMode | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | FocusedByDefault | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | FocusedChild | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | Foreground | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ForegroundGravity | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ForegroundTintList | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ForegroundTintMode | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Gravity | (Inherited from Android.Widget.LinearLayout) |
 | Handle | (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object) |
 | Handler | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | HapticFeedbackEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | HasExplicitFocusable | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | HasFocus | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | HasFocusable | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | HasNestedScrollingParent | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | HasOnClickListeners | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | HasOverlappingRendering | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | HasPointerCapture | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | HasTransientState | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | HasWindowFocus | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Header |
Gets or sets the header view.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | HeaderBackgroundColor |
Gets or sets the background color for the header.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | HeaderBorderColor |
Gets or sets the border color for the header.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | HeaderBorderWidth |
Gets or sets the border thickness for the header.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | Height | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | HorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | HorizontalFadingEdgeLength | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | HorizontalScrollBarEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Hovered | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Id | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ImportantForAccessibility | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ImportantForAutofill | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsAccessibilityFocused | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsAnimated |
Gets or sets whether the control is animated.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | IsAttachedToWindow | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsDirty | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsDropDownOpen |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the dropdown is currently visible.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | IsEditable |
Gets or sets the value that enables or disables editing of the text in the control.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | IsEnabled |
Gets or sets whether the control should be enabled.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | IsFocused | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsHardwareAccelerated | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsImportantForAccessibility | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsImportantForAutofill | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsInEditMode | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsInLayout | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsInTouchMode | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsLaidOut | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsLayoutDirectionResolved | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsLayoutRequested | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsOpaque | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsPaddingRelative | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsScrollContainer | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsShown | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsTemporarilyDetached | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsTextAlignmentResolved | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | IsTextDirectionResolved | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ItemsSource |
Gets or sets the source collection that contains the items to select from.
 | JniIdentityHashCode | (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object) |
 | JniPeerMembers | (Inherited from Android.Widget.LinearLayout) |
 | KeepScreenOn | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | KeyboardNavigationCluster | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | KeyDispatcherState | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | LabelFor | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | LayerType | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | LayoutAnimation | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | LayoutAnimationListener | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | LayoutDirection | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | LayoutMode | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | LayoutParameters | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | LayoutTransition | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | Left | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | LongClickable | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Matrix | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | MaxDropDownHeight |
Gets or sets the maximum length constraint of the drop-down box.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | MeasuredHeight | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | MeasuredHeightAndState | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | MeasuredState | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | MeasuredWidth | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | MeasuredWidthAndState | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | MeasureWithLargestChildEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Widget.LinearLayout) |
 | MinDropDownHeight |
Gets or sets the minimum length constraint of the drop-down box.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | MinimumHeight | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | MinimumWidth | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | MotionEventSplittingEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | NestedScrollAxes | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | NestedScrollingEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | NextClusterForwardId | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | NextFocusDownId | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | NextFocusForwardId | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | NextFocusLeftId | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | NextFocusRightId | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | NextFocusUpId | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | OnFocusChangeListener | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Orientation | (Inherited from Android.Widget.LinearLayout) |
 | OutlineProvider | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Overlay | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | OverScrollMode | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | PaddingBottom | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | PaddingEnd | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | PaddingLeft | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | PaddingRight | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | PaddingStart | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | PaddingTop | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Parent | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ParentForAccessibility | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | PeerReference | (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object) |
 | PersistentDrawingCache | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | PivotX | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | PivotY | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Placeholder |
Gets or sets the string shown as a hint when the control is empty.
 | PointerIcon | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Pressed | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Resources | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | RevealOnFocusHint | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Right | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | RootView | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | RootWindowInsets | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Rotation | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | RotationX | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | RotationY | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | SaveEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | SaveFromParentEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ScaleX | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ScaleY | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ScrollBarFadeDuration | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ScrollbarFadingEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ScrollBarSize | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ScrollBarStyle | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ScrollIndicators | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ScrollX | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ScrollY | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Selected | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | SelectedBackgroundColor |
Gets or sets the selected background color.
 | SelectedIndex |
Gets or sets the index of the selected item.
 | SelectedItem |
Gets or sets the current selected item.
 | SelectedValue |
Gets or sets the value of the currently selected item using SelectedValuePath.
 | SelectedValuePath |
Gets or sets the path that is used to get the value from the selected item.
 | ShowButton |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control should display a dropdown button.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | ShowClearButton |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the clear button show or not.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | ShowCloseButton |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the close button is currently visible in full screen.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | ShowDividers | (Inherited from Android.Widget.LinearLayout) |
 | ShowEditableHeader |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the editable header is currently visible.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | ShowHeader |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the header is currently visible.
(Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | Site | (Inherited from C1.Android.Input.C1DropDown) |
 | SolidColor | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | SoundEffectsEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | StateListAnimator | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | SystemUiVisibility | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Tag | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Text |
Gets or sets the text of the control.
 | TextAlignment |
Gets or sets the alignment of input text.
 | TextColor |
Gets or sets the text color.
 | TextDirection | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | TextSize |
Gets or sets the text size of the control's text.
 | TextTextSize |
Gets or sets the font size for the text.
 | TextTypeface |
Gets or sets the text typeface.
 | TooltipText | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | TooltipTextFormatted | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Top | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Touchables | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | TouchDelegate | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | TouchscreenBlocksFocus | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | TransitionGroup | (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup) |
 | TransitionName | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | TranslationX | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | TranslationY | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | TranslationZ | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Typeface |
Gets or sets the type face of the control's text.
 | VerticalFadingEdgeEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | VerticalFadingEdgeLength | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | VerticalScrollBarEnabled | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | VerticalScrollbarPosition | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | VerticalScrollbarWidth | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | ViewTreeObserver | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | Visibility | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | WeightSum | (Inherited from Android.Widget.LinearLayout) |
 | Width | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | WindowId | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | WindowSystemUiVisibility | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | WindowToken | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |
 | WindowVisibility | (Inherited from Android.Views.View) |