Quick Start: Word for WPF / Step 1 of 3: Setting up the Application
Step 1 of 3: Setting up the Application

You begin with creating a WPF application in Visual Studio, adding Word reference and a button control to your application using the following steps:

  1. Create a new WPF project in Visual Studio.
  2. Add the C1Word reference (dll) to your application.
  3. Add the following namespaces in the code view:
    imports C1.WPF.Word
    imports Microsoft.Win32
  4. Switch to design view and add a Button control to the Form in your application to start using the C1Word. Set the Content property to a suitable text such as, Text, Name property to btnText and the Click event to btnText_Click.
  5. Double-click the btnText_Click event from the properties window.
    The btnText_Click event gets created in the code view.