C1.WPF.Word.4.6.2 Assembly / C1.WPF.Word Namespace / StringFormatFlags Enumeration

StringFormatFlags Enumeration
Specifies the display and layout information for strings.
Public Enum StringFormatFlags 
   Inherits System.Enum
DirectionRightToLeftText is displayed from right to left.
DirectionVerticalText is displayed in the vertical direction.
DisplayFormatControlShow control characters as glyphs.
FitBlackBoxAllow parts of characters to overhang the layout rectangle.
LineLimitOnly entire lines are laid out in the layout rectangle.
MeasureTrailingSpacesIncludes the whitespace at the end of lines when laying out the text.
NoClipAllow text to render outside the layout rectangle.
NoFontFallbackDisable fallback to alternate fonts when requested font is not available.
NoWrapDisable wrapping within the layout rectangle.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also