Menu for WPF | ComponentOne
Menu Overview / Radial Menu / Nested Menu
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    Nested Menu
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    Using the RadialMenu control, you can create both top-level menus and submenus. Let us discuss how to create the top-level menus and submenus in the following sections.

    Create Top-Level Menus

    1. Place the following XAML between the <Grid> and </Grid> tags:
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           <c1:C1RadialMenu> </c1:C1RadialMenu>

      The RadialMenu control is within a ContextMenuService. When you run your application, the menu will appear when you right-click or right-tap.

    2. Place the following XAML between the <c1:C1RadialMenu> and </c1:C1RadialMenu> tags. This will create three top-level menu items:
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      <c1:C1RadialMenuItem Header="RadialMenuItem1" />
      <c1:C1RadialMenuItem Header="RadialMenuItem2" />
      <c1:C1RadialMenuItem Header="RadialMenuItem3" />
    3. Run the program and observe the following:
      • Right tap or right-click the page. In this case, this is the element to which RadialMenu is attached. Observe that the Navigation Button appears.
      • Tap or click the Navigation Button to open the radial menu. Observe that the RadialMenu contains three C1RadialMenuItems.

      Your top-level menu should resemble the following image:

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    Create Submenus

    1. Create a RadialMenu:
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           <c1:C1RadialMenu > 
    2. Place the following XAML between the <c1: C1RadialMenu> and </c1:C1RadialMenu> tags:
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      <c1:C1RadialMenuItem Header="Tap Here" >
        <c1:C1RadialMenuItem Header="Item 1" />
        <c1:C1RadialMenuItem Header="Item 2" />
        <c1:C1RadialMenuItem Header="Item 3" />
    3. Run the program.
      • Right tap or right-click the page to display the Navigation Button. Tap or click the Navigation Button to display the main RadialMenu.
      • Tap or click the Tap Here item and observe that the submenu you created appears.

      This is the RadialMenu control after you tap or click the Tap Here item:

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