Extended Library for WPF and Silverlight | ComponentOne
CoverFlow (Silverlight Only) / CoverFlow for Silverlight Quick Start / Step 2 of 5: Customizing the Controls
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    Step 2 of 5: Customizing the Controls
    In This Topic

    In the last step, you created a Silverlight project in Blend with three controls – a C1CoverFlow control, a StackPanel control, and a TextBlock control - and a folder of images. In this step, you’ll customize the three controls you added to your project by setting a few of their properties.

    Complete the following steps:

    1. In the Objects and Timeline panel, select [StackPanel] and set the following properties in the Properties panel:
      • Set the Width property to “Auto”.
      • Set the Height property to “Auto”.
    2. In the Objects and Timeline panel, select [C1CoverFlow] and set the following properties in the Properties panel:
      • Set the Name property to “C1CoverFlow1”.
      • Set the Width property to “470”.
      • Set the Height property to “250”.
    3. In the Objects and Timeline panel, select [TextBlock] and set the following properties:
      • Set the Name property to “TextBlock1”.
      • Set the Text property to “Album information will display here.”
      • Set the Foreground property to purple by typing “Purple” into the Hex value text box and pressing ENTER.

     In this step, you customized the StackPanel, C1CoverFlow, and TextBlock controls. In the next step, you’ll add items to the C1CoverFlow control.