Excel for WPF | ComponentOne
C1Excel Task-Based Help / Formatting Cells
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    Formatting Cells
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    To format the cells of a book, complete the following steps:

    1. Add a reference to C1.WPF.Excel.dll or C1.Silverlight.Excel.dll and create a C1XLBook.
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      // Create a new workbook to be saved
      C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook();
    2. Add some content to the workbook, create a new style and apply the styles to the cells in the first column of the sheet.
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      // Create a new style
       XLStyle style1 = new XLStyle(book);
       style1.ForeColor = Colors.Yellow;
       style1.BackColor = Colors.Blue;
       style1.Format = "$ .00";
      // Add content and apply styles to cells in first column of sheet
        XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0];
              int i;
              for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
                  sheet[i, 0].Value = i + 1;
                  sheet[i, 0].Style = style1;
    3. Save and open the workbook.
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      // Save and open the file

      cell formatting