Fixed the issue where C1Calendar brushes and thickness properties were not updating at runtime.
Fixed the issue where customizing days by using DaySlotTemplate did not take effect in MultiMonthCalendar.
Improved FullTextFilterBehavior to update text-box from ItemsSource when it changes.
Implemented in-place recycling to use the same cell after Refresh if the cell is still in viewport.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where FullTextFilterBehavior was not filtering correctly if FilterMemberPath was different from Binding.
Fixed the issue where filtering did not work properly on changing ItemsSource after filtering cell value from FullTextFilterBehavior when combo box is used within CellEditingTemplate.
Fixed the issue where same japanese character was entered twice when entered through quick edit mode.
Fixed the issue where GridFilterRow was mixing filters when received a filter changed event and there was more than one filter applied.
Fixed CheckListBehavior to work with grouping.
Fixed the issue where unhandled exception occurred after dragging the grid cell to outside of the window.
Fixed the issue where GroupRowForeground was not inheriting grid foreground correctly.
Fixed the issue where auto-generated column was throwing an exception on editing if the underlying field was an enum.
Fixed the issue where editing cells through checkbox was behaving incorrectly when a filter was applied.
Added cursor api in GridControlAdapter.
Added keyboard and text-input api in GridControlAdapter.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where selected cell was not correct after pressing Down key when source was filtered and edited item was removed.
Fixed layout issue with columns whose MinWidth was Nan.
Fixed the issue where CursorStyle was not updated correctly after changing SelectionStyle.
Fixed the issue where selection adorners were displaced when selecting a merged range.
Fixed the issue where exception was thrown oen pressing PgDown key.
Fixed the issue where selection adorners were not working correctly with column-range selection-mode.
Fixed the issue where star-columns were not rendered correctly when a MinWidth was set.