In This Topic
In This Topic
- Added Plus and Minus static properties to C1KeyboardHelper.
- Added optional parameter usePlotArea for FlexChart.PointToData() method. It's intended to use in scenarios with multiple plot areas.
- Improved consistency of Break-Even chart's legend under several conditions.
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue where the axis scrollbar position changed on changing theme.
- Fixed rounding issue with numeric axis labels under several conditions.
- Fixed the exception that was thrown on setting FlexChart.Options.ClusterSize.
- Fixed the issue with clipped data labels that have connected lines.
- Fixed the exceprion thrown on getting HitTestInfi.PointIndex in FlexPie under several conditions.
- Fixed the issue where StrokeDashArray works incorrectly with styles of Break-Even chart.
- Fixed the exception that was thrown on exporting chart to png under several conditions.
- Fixed the issue with BoxWhisker plot with small number of points.
Breaking Change
- Removed DateRangeFilterPresenter, RangeFilterPresenter classes.
Breaking change
- [DateTimePicker] In C1DatePicker, TextBox type is changed from C1TextBoxBase to C1MaskedTextBox.
Bug fix
- [DateTimePicker] Fixed the issue where the DatePlaceholder/TimePlaceholder is not shown although there is no displayed text in text area.
Breaking change
- Editing cells in textbox editor will show the formatted text.
- Added ability to cancel expanding rows with details.
- Improved GridGroupRow to handle merged-ranges honoring TreeColumnIndex.
- Added GetCellDisplayValue method to FlexGrid, GridRow and GridColumn to be used in editors.
- Added keyboard handling to expand and collapse group rows.
- Added ChildItemsPath property to display hierarchical data-sources.
- Added TreeColumnIndex to specify which column show toggle group buttons.
Bug fixes
- Fixed rows model when setting GroupSummaryRows at runtime with 2 or more grouping levels.
- Fixed case-sensitive issue with GridFilterRow when AutoComplete is enabled.
- Fixed issue in the order of the rows after changing GroupRowPosition to BelowData and None.
- Fixed computation of summaries when having multiple grouping levels.
- Fixed options menu not appearing in SummaryRow when OptionsMenuVisibility is different from Collapsed.
- Fixed bottom freezing line not appearing.
- Fixed the issue where detail-row header is focusable to avoid recycling the cell and have the keyboard focus in an unexpected place.
- Fixed the issue where group-row button is focusable to avoid recycling the cell and have the keyboard focus in an unexpected place.
- Fixed FlexGrid to allow inserting rows created with GridBoundRow(object dataItem) and work like bound rows without a DataCollection.
- Fixed the issue where exception is thrown when both the value of a cell and the converter of the column were null.
- Added a new parameter disableAnimations in StartEditing.
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue where tapping on the cell of a nested grid is performing wrong logic in the parent grid.
- Fixed the issue where focus is lost on starting the editing by keystroke when the editing cell is out of view.
- Fixed the issue where unbind process is not working fine on adding rows.
- Applied popover API in C1Popup.
- Respected TabIndex property of C1NumericBox, C1TextBox.
Bug fix
- Fixed the issue where menu does not close on clicking on other clickable controls when AutoClose is true.