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The C1SpellChecker replaces the Microsoft's C1Spell component offering substantial new features, including:
- Code-free Integration
Use the extender SpellCheck property to link the C1SpellChecker component to any text box-derived control – no code is necessary!
- Fastest SpellChecker
Fastest SpellChecker capable of processing 400,000 words per second.
- As-you-type Spell Checking
As you type, a red, wavy underline indicates any spelling mistakes; right-clicking the error shows a context menu with spelling suggestions.
- Spell Checking using Dialog Box
Use the CheckControl method to check the content of any text box using a modal dialog box – C1SpellChecker automatically highlights suspect words.
- Dialog Box Customization
Incorporate your organization's look and feel – add customizable images, text, buttons, and more to the default spelling dialog box.
- Interactive Context Menu
Right-click a misspelled word and the default context menu offers a list of suggestions, the option to Ignore All, use AutoCorrect, or choose a word from the spelling dialog box.
- Spell Checking Support in Grids
Supports programmatic interfaces that can be used to add spell checking functionality to other kinds of controls, such as grids.
- Custom Dictionaries
Using the dictionary editor (C1DictionaryEditor.4.exe), create and maintain custom-built dictionary files to distribute with your application – helpful for words specific to certain industries.
- Multi-Lingual Support
Includes 16 international dictionaries.