Ribbon for WinForms | ComponentOne
Elements / Ribbon Items / Menu
In This Topic
    In This Topic

    A Menu is a button with a drop-down arrow. It is used in a ribbon application when you need a menu for a small set of related commands. If a user clicks on the arrow, then a dropdown of items is displayed.

    The image below depicts the Menu item with commands such as Cut, Copy, Paste and ColorPicker.

    Ribbon menu

    Adding Menu at Design-Time

    The Ribbon Menu can be added at design-time using the Ribbon Group Floating Toolbar or RibbonGroup Items Collection Editor. Also, you can customize the look of the Ribbon Menu using the Ribbon Menu Floating ToolBar or by editing the properties in the Properties Window. For more information about floating toolbars, refer this topic. The user can add items to the Menu using the Ribbon Menu Items Collection Editor. Refer this topic for more information on collection editors.

    This image below shows the floating toolbar of Menu.

    Floating toolbar

    Adding Menu via Code 

    A Menu can also be added to the C1Ribbon control through the code using the RibbonMenu class. This is depicted in the code below:

    ' Add RibbonMenu ribbon item
    Dim ribbonMenu As RibbonMenu = New RibbonMenu()
    ribbonMenu.Text = "Edit"
    Dim cutButton As RibbonButton = New RibbonButton("Cut", Image.FromFile("images\cut.png"))
    Dim copyButton As RibbonButton = New RibbonButton("Copy", Image.FromFile("images\copy.png"))
    Dim pasteButton As RibbonButton = New RibbonButton("Paste", Image.FromFile("images\paste.png"))
    Dim separator As RibbonSeparator = New RibbonSeparator()
    Dim colorpicker1 As RibbonColorPicker = New RibbonColorPicker("Color Picker", Image.FromFile("images\fontcolor.png"))
    Dim label As RibbonLabel = New RibbonLabel("Select Color")
    Dim colorItem As RibbonColorPickerItem = New RibbonColorPickerItem()
    ' Specify the size of the items in dropdown menu
    ribbonMenu.PreferredItemSize = ItemSize.Auto
    // Add items to the RibbonMenu
    RibbonMenu ribbonMenu = new RibbonMenu();
    ribbonMenu.Text = "Edit";
    RibbonButton cutButton = new RibbonButton("Cut", Image.FromFile(@"images\cut.png"));
    RibbonButton copyButton = new RibbonButton("Copy", Image.FromFile(@"images\copy.png"));
    RibbonButton pasteButton = new RibbonButton("Paste",Image.FromFile(@"images\paste.png"));
    RibbonSeparator separator = new RibbonSeparator();
    RibbonColorPicker colorpicker = new RibbonColorPicker("Color Picker", Image.FromFile(@"images\fontcolor.png"));
    RibbonLabel label = new RibbonLabel("Select Color");
    RibbonColorPickerItem colorItem = new RibbonColorPickerItem();
    // Specify the size of the items in dropdown menu
    ribbonMenu.PreferredItemSize = ItemSize.Auto;

    A user can specify the item size in the dropdown menu by specifying the PreferredItemSize property. The image below depicts the Menu item in the ribbon control when the PreferredItemSize property is set to Large.

    Item size