C1.Chart Namespace / Easing Enumeration

Easing Enumeration
Specifies easing function. Sets the timing function for the animation.
Public Enum Easing 
   Inherits System.Enum
BackInThe animation goes past the start and then accelerates as it reaches the end.
BackInOutStarts the animation slowly as it overshoots in the start, then accelerates quickly before it slows and overshoots the end.
BackOutThe animation starts fast, then slows and goes past the end where s = 1.70158, using the formula f(t) = --t * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1.
BounceInThe bouncing animation, when it starts slowly, accelerates towards the end using the formula f(t) = 1 - BounceOut(1 - t).
BounceInOutThe bouncing animation, when it starts and ends slowly.
BounceOutThe bouncing animation, when it starts quickly and slows down towards the end.
CircleInThe animation uses an easing function that creates an animation that accelerates using the formula f(t) = 1 - Math.Sqrt(1 - t * t).
CircleInOutThe animation uses an easing function, which creates a slow start and end for the animation.
CircleOutThe animation uses an easing function that creates an animation that decelerates using the formula f(t) = Math.Sqrt(1 - --t * t).
CubicInRepresents an easing function that creates an animation that accelerates using the formula f(t) = t * t * t.
CubicInOutRepresents an easing function that creates an animation that decelerates using the formula f(t) = ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? t * t * t : (t -= 2) * t * t + 2) / 2.
CubicOutRepresents an easing function that creates an animation that decelerates using the formula f(t) = --t * t * t + 1.
ElasticInRepresents an Ease function that creates an accelerating animation that resembles a spring that vibrates back and forth until it stops.
ElasticInOutRepresents a decelerate function that creates an animation that accelerates and decelerates, and resembles a spring that oscillates back and forth until it stops.
ElasticOutRepresents a ease function that creates a spring-like slowing animation that oscillates back and forth until it stops.
ExpInThe animation starts slowly, accelerates towards the end using the formula f(t) = Math.Pow(2, 10 * t - 10).
ExpInOutThe animation starts and ends slowly by exponential function.
ExpOutThe animation starts quickly and slows down towards the end using the formula f(t) = 1 - Math.Pow(2, -10 * t).
LinearSame speed from start to finish.
SwingIt provides move or cause to move back and forth or from side to side while suspended or on an axis to an element.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also