Bar and pie charts use a single value to represent each data point (price, units in stock, or reorder level). XYPlot charts, by contrast, use two values to represent each data point. They are useful to depict relationships between two dimensions of the data, and are often used in statistical analysis of data.
For example, the following chart illustrates an XY-Plot depicting the relationship between product unit prices and sales.
This type of chart is often used to support statistical techniques that quantify the relationship between the variables (typically Linear Regression Analysis). For example, the preceding chart illustrates a point with unit price above $250 that is relatively distant from the others. In a linear regression, this point would be called an "outlier", and would have a much greater influence on the result of the analysis than the other points in the series.
XY-Plot charts are also useful on their own, to show qualitative aspects of relationships. For example, are sales related to unit prices? In this example, the data seems to suggest there is indeed a relationship. Perhaps the customers prefer to buy expensive products from NorthWind and cheaper products from their local supermarkets.
The following code is used to create the chart in the preceding graphic. It is very similar to the code used to create the bar chart, except it sets the X and Y values to data, instead of using a simple sequence for the X values.
To write code in Visual Basic
Visual Basic |
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' get chart data Dim data As DataView = _dataSet.Tables("Sales").DefaultView data.Sort = "UnitPrice" ' configure chart C1Chart1.Reset() C1Chart1.ChartGroups(0).ChartType = Chart2DTypeEnum.XYPlot ' create single series for product price vs sales Dim dscoll As ChartDataSeriesCollection = _ C1Chart1.ChartGroups(0).ChartData.SeriesList; dscoll.Clear(); Dim series As ChartDataSeries = dscoll.AddNewSeries() ' show symbols only (no lines) series.SymbolStyle.Color = Color.Green series.SymbolStyle.OutlineColor = Color.Black series.LineStyle.Pattern = LinePatternEnum.None ' populate the series series.PointData.Length = data.Count Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To data.Count – 1 series.X(i) = data(i)("UnitPrice") series.Y(i) = data(i)("ProductSales") Next I ' attach product names to x-axis Dim ax As Axis = C1Chart1.ChartArea.AxisX ax.Text = "Unit Price (US$)" ax.AnnoFormat = FormatEnum.NumericCurrency ax.GridMajor.Visible = True ' configure y-axis Dim ay As Axis = C1Chart1.ChartArea.AxisY ay.Text = "Sales (thousand US$)" ay.AnnoFormat = FormatEnum.NumericManual ay.AnnoFormatString = "$#,##0," ay.GridMajor.Visible = True |
To write code in C#
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// get chart data DataView data = _dataSet.Tables["Sales"].DefaultView; data.Sort = "UnitPrice"; // configure chart c1Chart1.Reset(); c1Chart1.ChartGroups[0].ChartType = Chart2DTypeEnum.XYPlot; // create single series for product price vs sales ChartDataSeriesCollection dscoll = c1Chart1.ChartGroups[0].ChartData.SeriesList; dscoll.Clear(); ChartDataSeries series = dscoll.AddNewSeries(); // show symbols only (no lines) series.SymbolStyle.Color = Color.Green; series.SymbolStyle.OutlineColor = Color.Black; series.LineStyle.Pattern = LinePatternEnum.None; // populate the series series.PointData.Length = data.Count; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { series.X[i] = data[i]["UnitPrice"]; series.Y[i] = data[i]["ProductSales"]; } // attach product names to x-axis Axis ax = c1Chart1.ChartArea.AxisX; ax.Text = "Unit Price (US$)"; ax.AnnoFormat = FormatEnum.NumericCurrency; ax.GridMajor.Visible = true; // configure y-axis Axis ay = c1Chart1.ChartArea.AxisY; ay.Text = "Sales (thousand US$)"; ay.AnnoFormat = FormatEnum.NumericManual; ay.AnnoFormatString = "$#,##0,"; ay.GridMajor.Visible = true; |