ComponentOne Wizard for ASP.NET WebForms
Design-Time Support / Designer Form
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    Designer Form
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    The C1Wizard Designer Form lets you quickly configure the C1Wizard control's elements without having to scroll through the control's Properties window. Using the C1Wizard  Designer Form you can load and save the control's content and can add additional pages.

    To access the C1Wizard Designer Form select the Wizard Designer item from the C1Wizard Tasks menu (see C1Wizard Smart Tag for details) or right-click on the C1Wizard control at design time and select C1Wizard Designer. The Designer looks as follows:

    Add a C1WizardStep

    To add a  C1WizardStep to the  C1Wizard, select the  C1Wizard and in the toolbar click the Add Child Item button and select Step.


    Delete a C1WizardStep

    To delete a  C1WizardStep, select the existing C1WizardStep  and select the Delete button from the toolbar or Edit menu or right-click the item and select Delete from the context menu that appears.

    Rename an Item

    To rename a  C1WizardStep, select the existing C1WizardStep  and select Rename from the Edit menu or right-click the item and select Rename from the context menu that appears. Type in text to change its ID.

    See Also