| Name | Description |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | AccessKey | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | AllowDrag | Allows tree nodes to be dragged |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | AllowDrop | Allows tree nodes to be dropped |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | AllowEdit | Allows tree nodes to be edited at run time. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | AllowSorting | Allows tree nodes to be sorted at run time. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | AllowTriState | Allows triple state of checkBox. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | AutoCheckNodes | Allows sub-nodes to be checked upon parent node check. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | AutoCollapse | If this option is set to true, the expanded node will be collapsed if another node is expanded. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | AutoPostBack | Gets or sets the value that indicates whether or not the control posts back to the server each time a user interacts with the control. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | CDNDependencyPaths | A string array value specifies all css/js references that wijmo control depends on. (Inherited from C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.Base.C1TargetHierarchicalDataBoundControlBase) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | CDNPath | Content Delivery Network path. (Inherited from C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.Base.C1TargetHierarchicalDataBoundControlBase) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | ClientIDMode | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | CollapseAnimation | Animation options for showing the child nodes when the parent node is collapsed. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | CollapseDelay | The duration of the time to delay before the node is collapsed. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | CssClass | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | DataBindings | Data bindings for items in the control. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | DataBindStartLevel | Gets or sets the value that indicates DataBind start level. If value is 0, only root nodes will be bounded on start. For the value equals to 1, root nodes and first level nodes will be bounded. Default value -1 indicates that property will be ignored. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | DataSource | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataBoundControl) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | DataSourceID | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.HierarchicalDataBoundControl) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | DisplayVisible | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a server control is rendered as UI on the page. (Inherited from C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.Base.C1TargetHierarchicalDataBoundControlBase) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | EnableCombinedJavaScripts | Enable JavaScripts files combined into one file. In order to combined enabled, you must register the WijmoHttpHandler in web.config. (Inherited from C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.Base.C1TargetHierarchicalDataBoundControlBase) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | Enabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web server control is enabled. (Inherited from C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.Base.C1TargetHierarchicalDataBoundControlBase) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | EnableTheming | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | EnableViewState | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | ExpandAnimation | Animation options for showing the child nodes when the parent node is expanded. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | ExpandCollapseHoverUsed | If this option is set to true, the tree will be expand/Collapse when the mouse hovers on the expand/Collapse button. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | ExpandDelay | The duration of the time to delay before the node is expanded. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | Height | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | ID | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | LoadOnDemand | Gets or sets the value that indicates whether or not Loads on demand is enabled. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | OnClientNodeCheckChanged | The name of the function which will be called when the node is checked. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | OnClientNodeCheckChanging | The name of the function which will be called before the node is checked. This event can be cancelled by returning false. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | OnClientNodeClick | The name of the function which will be called after the node is clicked. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | OnClientNodeCollapsed | The name of the function which will be called when the node is collapsed. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | OnClientNodeDragging | The name of the function which will be called when the node is dragged. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | OnClientNodeDragStarted | The name of the function which will be called when the node begin to be dragged. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | OnClientNodeDropped | The name of the function which will be called after the node is dropped. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | OnClientNodeExpanded | The name of the function which will be called when the node is expanded. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | OnClientNodeMouseOut | The name of the function which will be called when mouse out the node. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | OnClientNodeMouseOver | The name of the function which will be called when mouse over the node. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | OnClientNodeTextChanged | The name of the function which will be called when the text of node changed. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | OnClientSelectedNodeChanged | The name of the function which will be called when the selected nodes are changed. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | ShowCheckBoxes | Allows the CheckBox to be shown on tree nodes |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | ShowExpandCollapse | Allows tree nodes to be expanded or collapsed. |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | SkinID | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | SupportsDisabledAttribute | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataBoundControl) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | TabIndex | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | Theme | Name of the theme that will be used to style the widgets. Available embedded themes include: aristo, midnight, and ui-lightness. Note that only one theme can be used for the whole page at one time. Please make sure that all widget extenders have the same Theme value. (Inherited from C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.Base.C1TargetHierarchicalDataBoundControlBase) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | ThemeSwatch | A value that indicates the theme swatch of the control, this property only works when WijmoControlMode property is Mobile. (Inherited from C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.Base.C1TargetHierarchicalDataBoundControlBase) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | ToolTip | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | UseCDN | Determines whether the widget extender must load client resources from CDN (Content Delivery Network) path given by property CDNPath. (Inherited from C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.Base.C1TargetHierarchicalDataBoundControlBase) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | ValidateRequestMode | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | ViewStateMode | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | Width | (Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | WijmoControlMode | A value that indicates mode of the control, whether it is a mobile or web control. Note that only one value can be used for the whole website or project. (Inherited from C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.Base.C1TargetHierarchicalDataBoundControlBase) |
![Public Property](template/packages/core-dotnet/images/publicProperty.png) | WijmoCssAdapter | Indicates the control applies the theme of JQuery UI or Bootstrap. (Inherited from C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.Base.C1TargetHierarchicalDataBoundControlBase) |