Export Service

Use the C1 ASP.NET Export Service, to export Charts as images or PDF, without creating a complex export application. This service resides on the application server.

The advantages of using C1 ASP.NET Export Service are:

Export Service is a web-application and is deployed on Internet Information Services (IIS). Run the C1ASPNETExportService installer, placed in C:\Program Files\ComponentOne\ASP.NET Web Forms Edition folder. It installs the following files in IIS.

You can also find these files at the following location:


System Requirements

Following are the system requirements of the service host:

You may update .Net framework 4.0 in Microsoft Windows 7 or Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2468871, for more information.

Export Settings for Charts

Following are the settings to export charts.

Export as Image

Export to PDF


The exportChart method will be called to export the chart as an image or a PDF. These steps assume that you have added a button  to the form, on whose click event you would call the export function. Add the following code within the <head></head> tags, to export chart to an image:

Copy Code
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server">
    <!--Export Methods-->
   <script type="text/javascript">
       $(function () {
       function getChart() { return $("#<%=C1ScatterChart1.ClientID%>"); }

       // Export function
       function exportImage() {
           var fileName ="ExportImage";
           var type = "Png";
           var url = "http://demos.componentone.com/ASPNET/ExportService" + "/exportapi/chart";
           var chart = getChart();
          $("#<%=C1ScatterChart1.ClientID%>").c1scatterchart("exportChart", fileName, type, url);

Add the following code within the <head></head> tags, to export chart to PDF:

Copy Code
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
    // Export function
    function exportPdf() {
        var fileName = "ExportCharts";
        var url = "http://demos.componentone.com/ASPNET/ExportService" + "/exportapi/chart";
        var pdfSetting = {
            compression: 'BestCompression',
            fontType: 'TrueType',
            author: 'ComponentOne',
            creator: 'ComponentOne',
            subject: 'Export Chart',
            keywords: 'bar chart, chart, export, pdf',
            allowCopyContent: true,
            allowEditAnnotations: true,
            allowEditContent: true,
            allowPrint: true
        $("#<%=C1ScatterChart1.ClientID%>").c1scatterchart("exportChart", fileName, "pdf", pdfSetting, url);

The following image displays the properties of the PDF generated:

In case the file does not download on Internet Explorer, turn off Internet Explorer protected mode to export file or run Internet Explorer as administrator. To turn off the protected mode: