Appearance and Behavior / Easing Effect Descriptions
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Easing Effect Descriptions
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C1ProgressBar contains over thirty built-in animation effects that change the reaction of the progress bar when it is moved. The default easing effect is Swing, but you can set it to another effect using the Easing property. You can also turn all animations off by setting the Animation.Disabled property to True.

The table below describes each animation effect:

Name Description
Linear Linear easing. Moves smoothly without acceleration or deceleration.
Swing (default) This is the default animation effect.
EaseInQuad Quadratic easing in. Starts slowly and then accelerates.
EaseOutQuad Quadratic easing out. Starts quickly and then decelerates.
EaseInOutQuad Quadratic easing in and out. Starts slowly, accelerates, and then decelerates.
EaseInCubic Cubic easing in. Starts slowly and then accelerates.
EaseOutCubic Cubic easing out. Starts quickly and then decelerates.
EaseInOutCubic Cubic easing in and out. Starts slowly, accelerates, and then decelerates.
EaseInQuart Quartic easing in. Starts slowly and then accelerates.
EaseOutQuart Quartic easing out. Starts quickly and then decelerates.
EaseInOutQuart Quartic easing in and out. Starts slowly, accelerates, and then decelerates.
EaseInQuint Quintic easing in. Starts slowly and then accelerates.
EaseOutQuint Quintic easing out. Starts quickly and then decelerates.
EaseInOutQuint Quintic easing in and out. Starts slowly, accelerates, and then decelerates.
EaseInSine Sinusoidal easing in. Starts slowly and then accelerates.
EaseOutSine Sinusoidal easing out. Starts quickly and then decelerates.
EaseInOutSine Sinusoidal easing in and out. Starts slowly, accelerates, and then decelerates.
EaseInExpo Exponential easing in. Starts slowly and then accelerates.
EaseOutExpo Exponential easing out. Starts quickly and then decelerates.
EaseInOutExpo Exponential easing in and out. Starts slowly, accelerates, and then decelerates.
EaseInCirc Circular easing in. Starts slowly and then accelerates.
EaseOutCirc Circular easing out. Starts quickly and then decelerates.
EaseInOutCirc Circular easing in and out. Starts slowly, accelerates, and then decelerates.
EaseInElastic Elastic easing in. Starts slowly and then accelerates.
EaseOutElastic Elastic easing out. Starts quickly and then decelerates.
EaseInOutElastic Elastic easing in and out. Starts slowly, accelerates, and then decelerates.
EaseInBack Back easing in. Starts slowly and then accelerates.
EaseOutBack Back easing out. Starts quickly and then decelerates.
EaseInOutBack Back easing in and out. Starts slowly, accelerates, and then decelerates.
EaseInBounce Bouncing easing in. Starts slowly and then accelerates.
EaseOutBounce Bouncing easing out. Starts quickly and then decelerates.
EaseInOutBounce Bouncing easing in and out. Starts slowly, accelerates, and then decelerates.
See Also