Design-Time Support

C1Maps provides customized context menus, smart tags, and a designer that offers rich design-time support and simplifies working with the object model.

The following sections describe how to use C1Maps' design-time environment to configure the C1Maps control.

C1Maps Tasks Menu

Center: Sets the center of the map in geographic coordinates.

Zoom: Sets the zoom factor of the map.

ShowTools: Enables/disables zooming and panning tools over the map.

Source: Sets the source of the map.

Theme: Sets the Theme to one of the five predefined themes to change the control's appearance . By default, this is set to Aristo.

Create new theme: Click to open ThemeRoller for Visual Studio. It allows you to create a new, custom theme for your application. To find more information on using ThemeRoller in your application, see ThemeRoller for Visual Studio.

Use CDN: Loads the client resources from CDN. This is not selected by default.

CDN path: Displays the URL path of the CDN.

Use BootStrap: Applies Bootstrap theming to the control. To find more information on using Bootstrap theming in your application, see Bootstrap Theming.

About: Clicking the About item displays a dialog box, which is helpful in finding the version number of ASP.NET Web Forms Edition and online resources.

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C1Layer Collection Editor

The C1layer Collection Editor lets you add new layers to your map, as well as edit the existing layers in the map.

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C1VectorItemBase Collection Editor

The C1VectorItemBase Collection Editor lets you add new vectors to the C1VectorLayer, as well as edit the existing vectors in a C1VectorLayer.

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PointD Collection Editor

The PointD Collection Editor lets you add points to a C1VectorPolyline or a C1VectorPolygon. It takes the geographical coordinates in the form of double floating point values.

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MapSlice Collection Editor

The MapSlice Collection Editor lets you add new map slices to the C1VirtualLayer, as well as edit the existing vectors in a C1VirtualLayer.

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Feature Collection Editor

The Feature Collection Editor lets you add new features to the DataGeojson.Feature property in a C1VirtualLayer, as well as edit the existing features.

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See Also